AUTISM Characteristics: Common traits (2018)

Published 2018-03-15
These autism characteristics are the most common traits to identify someone with an Autism Spectrum Condition. **** Asperger Symptoms checklist ➡

Characteristics of Autism Spectrum disorder (autistic symptoms
) ➡

Autism Spectrum Characteristics ➡…

Characteristics of Individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) ➡

(video) 5 Signs of Autism ➡    • 5 Signs of AUTISM you NEED to know  

📝 AUTISM DAILY CHARTS - for any one with a family member on the autism spectrum this pack of daily charts will help with every task ➡

📖 MY BOOK - I wrote a book about how Star Wars helped me with my Autism, you can get a copy here ➡

👕 MY MERCH - Look as cool as I do in my Aspie World merchandise, branded [Be Creative], check it out here ➡

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About This Video
In this video Dan Jones from The Aspire World talks about autism characteristics common traits, and identifying common traits of autism with autism traits in children and adults. Looking at early signs of autism, autism symptoms, characteristics of autism, autistic characteristics, traits of adults with autism and how to identify autistic behaviour, how to know if my child has autism. Also looking at a child with autism, autism spectrum conditions, symptoms of autism and autism characteristics with traits of autism in adults and autism symptoms in adults and autism symptoms in child

All Comments (21)
  • @peachfreude
    1. Standing too close to people 2. Unable to initiate conversation 3. Unable to pick up social cues/expressions 4. Difficulty to understand joke/sarcasm 5. Spontaneous comment outburst 6. Honest but inappropriate observation (have no filter) 7. Talking obsessively about specific interest 8. Unable to understand the rule of conversation 9. Unable to understand body language/gestures 10. Randomly laughing out loud 11. Detached from reality (like being in their own world) Might edit later, I'm on my phone.
  • I relate to the laughing out loud trait so much. I busted out laughing yesterday because of a vine I saw 3 years ago. my family just looked at me weird.
  • In middle school someone had to explain the "how are you? Fine, how are you?" exchange. I had no clue you had to ask them back 😂😂😂
  • @arcd941
    Good news I'm not autistic Bad news I don't know what's wrong with me
  • My husband is on the spectrum, and he never knows when to leave a social event. I noticed it right away when I met him. He just lingers and keeps talking, and I'm like okaaaay lets goo. Hahaha. He doesn't get the social cues of people being like " OK my party is over now". It makes me laugh.
  • I've spent 65+ years trying to figure myself out, why I do what I do, why I don't seem to like most people, but I've made huge strides toward becoming accepting of myself and others. I force myself to confront people, performingifor audiences, when I started memorizing and reciting sonnets, I began to talk more, without having to use a 'script'.
  • @ruthiemay4799
    My best friend who is 65 and an undiagnosed Aspie won't let me talk to him about this. But the more I learn, the more I realize I am an Aspie also. I'm almost 71. 😊😊😊
  • @Super.AmmarI0
    OMG the spontaneous comment outburst is SOO relatable!
  • @nelsoncolon3204
    I found out I'm autistic because my 2 year old son was diagnosed last December and, like everything that interests me, I became impossibly obsessed and started realizing that almost everything described me. I'm 36 and am struggling to wrap my head around it. Your videos have been the most clarifying and descriptive as far as explaining what it all means and I truly appreciate you for this channel. 🖒✊🖖👌
  • @pinkpajamafairy
    My nephew and boyfriend both have aspergers.. My nephew is aware of it and has been properly diagnosed. my boyfriend refuses to believe he has it and takes it as an insult when I say he does, even though he has pretty much every symptom, some of them are extreme. (I dont think I've gotten to finish a sentence in 5 years..he's always talking, and never knows how to end it, I hear about everything on his mind). My nephew has learned how to adapt and does very well but he's still autistic, so he still blurts out rude things (not with the intent of being rude, that's just how he is), and still doesn't pick up on sarcasm every time (he's pretty good at it though) .. he is thin and in shape, I'm not., one day he said to me "I only jogged 8 miles today, I need to work out more" .. I said (sarcastically) "wow, only 8 miles? you're so lazy" ..He gave me a look and I realized, he didnt pick up on that sarcasm, so I added - "I jogged 50 miles today", then he started laughing. He can get sarcasm when it's SUPER sarcastic, but it has to be obviously so.
  • @josephsmith8087
    The 3 things I have issues with: 1) I don't know how to socialize with people of the opposite sex without looking like a weirdo or creep. 2) people who I have arranged something with (ex. Band practice) and they don't respond back for 3 days, and it's usually "sorry, I was busy lol". 3) I cannot stop talking about guitars, music, and difficult video games. Like the fact that I'm obsessed with Gibson guitars, the band's Tool and Chevelle, and that I enjoy Dark Souls and BoTW.
  • @raj119030892
    my daughter is mild asd 3.9 years old. i am depressed but watching you i am happy because she will be smart like you. god bless you
  • @benrao5565
    And I don't get flirting at all I cant tell if she's just standing close to me or wants me to talk to her Even then I have no idea how to start a fun conversation If we arent talking about politics, history, or philosophy (and some sports) I am totally clueless
  • @benfrank732
    My 6 yr old son was recently diagnosed with aspergers is what brought me here. I’m educating myself so I can understand him better & help him better.
  • I met a homeless kid with autism and am trying to get him out the streets forgive my shortness but must study while he is with another trusted friend thankyou for doing ur video so I can research learn and hopefully understand god bless u
  • @Tei_022
    I relate to all of these. Especially saying things randomly.... and standing too far or too close to someone.
  • @Tei_022
    I’ve been looking up the difference between people with autism and normal people sensory problems. Someone with autism gets distracted really easily. (Just like ADHD, my brother has it) And how we cover our ears, or squint because it is too bright. Or not focus on something because, again it’s too loud or something is distracting. I’ve also been trying to find out ways girls have autism and guys do. I don’t know about anyone else.. but a I tend to get more silent melt downs when I shut down and ignore everything, my brain is too focused on the problem. I try my best not to scream or throw things. I know it hurts people, but sometimes I can’t control it. Err... and then I saw this video so I clicked on it :)
  • @yazzyy8715
    This reminded me of my almost 4 year old. It made me smile. Thank you for letting me understand his beautiful little world.