What do you think of foreigners living in Korea?

Published 2018-12-10

All Comments (21)
  • @Kide
    it’s really interesting to see how honest they were. I lived in Korea as a student five years ago and went back to visit this past April. I, too, noticed the huge influx of foreigners living there compared to the mid 2010s or even prior to that. On the street, I overheard a lot of foreigners speaking korean really well so that was nice to see. But I did overhear some rumors about the behaviors they were bringing with them. I truly believe if you’re planning to live there you should try to assimilate as much as possible. You don’t have to love the food or speak fluently but at least understand that there was a history and a culture and society before you got there. I’m planning to move to Seoul next year and a lot of the reasons I liked korea (no catcalling, cleaner than US cities, instinctual queuing lol) i feel disappointed that some foreigners are f*cking that up! Newsflash foreigners LIVING in korea (if you’re just visiting it’s whatever) but if you live and work or a have a business or family there, SPEND TIME WITH KOREAN PEOPLE. Get to know them and their culture OUTSIDE of kpop and kdramas. Step out of your comfort zone and don’t isolate yourself to other foreigners or just English-speaking Koreans. You’ll have a much more eye-opening and life changing experience, trust me.
  • @YamiNoAkarui
    I don't hear Koreans speaking German when they visit Germany either. I don't expect tourists to speak my mother tongue. That's impossible. A few basic phrases? Doable. But that's about it really.
  • @lauraluna563
    No woman want to be touch or catcalled... All girls feel uncomfortable with that, not only Korean girls. If you think that because many western men do that, we western girls like to be touch, catcalled, are easy... you're so wrong. Please don't do it in Korea and don't do it in your country as well. It's not about being asian or western, it's about respect.
  • @sandykitlee6874
    No matter which country you came from.. Most importantly is respect those countries culture and laws.. Never bring your bad habits to the country..
  • @Leukotrieneb4
    When i visit korea as a tourist they all see me as an english practice thing.Dear koreans i came here because i wanted to see korean culture I AM NOT ENGLISH TEACHER.
  • Lmao, they're complaining about the foreigners being 'racist' but they're just the same anyway.
  • @011mph
    " I see a lot of African Americans"... shows a picture of Sam Okyere who is from Ghana ?? ?
  • @Camila-rr6bs
    I’m curious whether the lady in purple’s opinion is the most common one in Korea. I have an advanced level of Korean but people would still talk to me in English because they assume I can’t speak Korean. When I start using Korean, they would still talk to me in English because they wanna practice. I just keep talking in Korean to them 🤣 I didn’t invest my time in learning Korean so you just keep talking in English to me when English is not even my first language 🤣
  • @Gyu_and_Agata
    those people probably have never met people who actually LIVE here. They are stereotyping so fast...English is my 4th language and Korean is my 5th. and u know what? I speak Korean to Koreans I meet for the first time. every Single Time they try to speak English to me so they could “practice their english”, but come on...not every foreigner here is a native english speaker
  • @justgigi9545
    @6:51 the man said it's racist to cut the line at the bus stop. No. That's just rude. You know what is racist. Korean locations saying NO BLACKS ALLOWED. Since he wants to talk about what's racist. And BTW. Not all foreigners loooooove K-pop. I don't listen to one lick of it. I actually prefer indie, RnB, AND hip Hop Music. I go to Korea ever hear for the summer because that's festival season. While I haven't had too many bad things happen to me (I have learned not to even go to the clubs) I also am very selective about where I go, and the places I do go are very open minded.
  • I feel like korea specifically south Korea tries their best to ignore the fact that they're very racist and rude towards foriegners and like to assume alot of things about us but still try to say that wrre the worst
  • @JJ-yu6og
    Catcalling in the US is considered very rude even in the US, too!!!!
  • @jana.sophie
    the girl said that it’s not common for women to wear leggings/sportswear outside or whenever they’re not working out, but I’ve seen so many Korean guys wearing sweatpants daily?
  • 7:15 did she just say she speaks English to ppl in foreign countries but right after go on a rant about how people should speak Korean in Korea?
  • @lolitachan8675
    Let me just say, Korea can't say much about foreigners coming into Korea and being what they think is 'racist' Not many foreigners intend to be racist or rude and nor are they when they have clubs or restaurants where if you're a certain race, you can't get in. I went to Korea last summer with my family and we passed a restaurant where the sign said (in Korean and English) 'No blacks allowed'. This honestly shocked me at how blatant and ignorant Koreans can be. Majority assume that foreigners cannot speak Korean or are rude so they won't let them into certain places. I can speak Korean pretty well and so can my mother so we didn't have any troubles but I feel for you foreigners who face these things simply because of your skin or race. Side note: I agree that if you're planning to go to Korea for a long time, you should know decent Korean.
  • The girl said when she travels overseas she speaks english/japanese but she wants foreigners to speak Korean only! Weird!
  • @Sam-rx9kq
    Not all French people know English but y’all speak English and we don’t say anything this is the same. English is an international language you have to be able to answer simples questions like “where is.....” or “how much.....” I bet when she’s going to another country she speaks English herself 🤔
  • I don't know why they're saying "foreigners" because I get Koreans that do some of these things too. They're in a foreign country but trying to speak their own language to you. They try to pick girls up thinking they're all easy. Don't get me started on the spy cams in bathrooms!!! They won't shut up about American TV shows. And worst of all I've seen them making racist remarks at different people. People are people and it doesn't matter where you're from. Do good and be kind to others.