Male to Female Transformation (MTF transition) Year 1-2

Published 2016-10-23
This is a brief synopsis of my first two years struggling to become who I am today! Surgery is done! And Now I am Complete!

I hope this video helps those of you that felt like me, and don't know what to do! It is meant to be inspiring to those of you that think it is not possible. I'm here to tell you it is, and all the haters out there have to understand one thing! You have to be who you are! You only have one life! Cherish it!

Just letting you all know there is nothing glamorous about this whole transition, it is the hardest thing you will ever do! You will second guess yourself continuously. it is inner turmoil and external turmoil. I appear to be happier, but that truly is one facet to this whole thing. I do warn you to proceed with caution and with what's in your heart :)

I discovered through this transition it is hard to find a partner to enjoy your time with hence I'm working on this website to help in those efforts. Be prepared to lose everyone and everything you thought dear to you during your journey.

As of today 4/22/18 - No relationship or family have come around to this transition. I do think it was worth it to be me, but wasn't worth the loss of family, friends, and any love I may see in the future. Being alone tends to change peoples prospective on others. I hope I continue to find the strength to be alone and accept that as my fate.

All Comments (21)
  • In my humble opinion...transitioning after 40 (ish) is the best time. All the variables are set, the mental frame is there to take it all in. I started at 50, and I celebrate every moment of it... Thank you for inspiring. And of proving that there is no age restriction for all :)
  • The most beautiful part of this is that genuine smile. I got to get me one of them x
  • @Adalinesmith20
    Im really happy for you! Please don't ever try and commit suicide ever again! You're beautiful! Every morning when you wake up look at yourself in the mirror and say "you're beautiful" to yourself, believe me nothing will come against you if you boost up your confidence. I wish you the best.
  • Good for you!! life is to short to live for someone else. Good luck and enjoy your journey ❣❣❣
  • @Louisejames23
    When I (finally) came out it was such a massive relief, went through pretty much everything you have and really wished I’d done it earlier. You look very happy 😬❤️❤️
  • 6 months into transition and its video blogs like yours that give me so much hope for the future. I often wonder if I was a really bad person in a previous life and this is my punishment! Thank you and you look lovely. xx
  • @raymondkent679
    Thanks very much for taking the time to make this video I very much enjoy your take on transitioning.the trials and tribulation of my first 2 years was indeed the worst time of my life. however looking back in the midst of all the hate and oppression that I faced I still experienced moments of euphoria.those moments were so refreshing and so just right they gave me just What I needed to keep going thanks again I hope to see more videos from you in the future love and blessings to you sister
  • @vernakarey
    I'm over 50 and it's time for me...finally, thank you for your open and honest timeline, I'm gonna bookmark this video and go to it when I get down about how much I have to go through ahead.
  • I love you. Thank you. I cried the whole video. you're beautiful. I finally feel i can understand what my new daughter is going through and i adore her but didn't realize how hard it's been on her. I love you. I love you. I love you. Thank you forever for this. New Mom 💖
  • @kevinewing3540
    You are so beautiful in soo many ways.! At 60 i am finally getting ready to begin my journey, your Youtube inspires and encourages me soo much that i am in tears as i type this, thank you.
  • Simply Amazing was Depressed alot today went to your timeline again encouragement💛💙💖
  • @Zigman2214
    Congratulations Gabriella!! What you did took a lot of guts- but you look some HAPPY and so BEAUTIFUL!
  • @Marie579
    Good for you gal, all power to your elbows keep safe with a wonderful future xx
  • @therofthew
    I really admire people like yourself that after years of living the way society dictates they are just brave enough to b who they really are regardless.
  • hell yea!! live your life for you because nobody else can do it for you. I'm sorry that you had to go through hardships, but It only made you better
  • @Bronwyn031
    You're not alone, I didn't transition until my mid 30's (late bloomer, yeah me too). However, I did notice that I had a far more smoother transition at my age versus my younger counterparts who were still struggling with mainly finances, self acceptance and job & friends. I on the other hand took to my new representation like a duck to water and I was financially able to blast through my HRT, surgeries, keep my job and my old friends as well as add some new ones. And the icing on the cake was accepting myself for me. But don't get it twisted now... I had my ups and downs but I definitely feel being at that point in my life allowed me to have such an effortless transition. Yay for wisdom, stability and cold hard cash. Plus I'm well into my 40's about to transition over into my 50's and I don't look a day over 30. So there is a method to the madness of a late transition, we're the living proof. At least we got here, right?
  • Wow you go girl! so proud of you and what you've accomplished! Keep up being you :)
  • Amazing. so glad u came out. thats courageous but so worth it im sure. glad you are living your life on your terms. you look wonderful!!!
  • Sometimes transition is the path to enlightenment.....It gives us an unforetold amount of strength. It isn't simply a matter of being a woman or a man. Transition is about not denying yourself the happiness you deserve. Best Wish to You.
  • You go girl. Very inspiring. Wishing you continued happiness and success. Hugs!