Wellness 101- How to Beat the Heat for Summer Presented By St. Luke's University Health Network

Published 2019-06-07
Summertime is almost upon us, and it’s about to get real hot…real quick! The heat can certainly affect our bodies and moods, but the good news is that you no longer have to sit in an ever- flowing waterfall of your own sweat, because we’ve got five steps to help you keep cool this summer.

Step One: Stay Hydrated
If its super-hot outside, sweating is almost unavoidable. Although it may not feel like it sometimes, sweat is actually a good thing and is your body’s natural defense against the heat. However, as you perspire, your body loses moisture, which in turn makes your body temperature rise, so drinking plenty of fluids is crucial to keeping yourself cool. Try to avoid beverages that contain lots of sugar, caffeine and or alcohol as these items are dehydrating and will counteract what you are going for.

Step Two: Spray Yourself Down
Two words…Thermal Regulation…which means as water evaporates on your skin…it cools you down. Try keeping a spray bottle filled with water in the refrigerator. When you get hot, spray yourself down. Consider targeting high heat areas like the head, neck and wrists for a faster cool down. Think of it as sweating…just not as icky. For added comfort, try filling the spray bottle with peppermint tea. The menthol from the tea acts as a cooling agent and will help cool you down even faster still. A word of caution here, avoid spraying near the face as the mint could irritate your eyes.

Step Three: Create a DIY Air-Conditioner
Don’t have an air-conditioner…no problem. If it’s not too humid, grab a big bowl of ice and place it in front of a fan and set the fan on high. Now sit back and relax and enjoy the nice cool breeze as the ice melts and evaporates. Bonus tip: Adding salt to your ice cubes before you freeze them will make them take significantly longer to melt.

Step Four: Turn Off All Heat Sources
When it’s hot out…the last thing you want to do is add more heat to an already uncomfortable situation. Consider avoiding any appliances that put out a lot of heat including ovens, dishwashers, computers, and incandescent lamps.

Step Five: Stay Downstairs
As you know, heat rises…so when it’s a scorcher, you’ll probably be more comfortable sleeping on the couch downstairs until the heat breaks. The lowest point in your house will be the coolest…so if you have a finished basement, consider bunking there for the night for added relief.

Thanks for watching. Heatwaves are no laughing matter and can be detrimental to your health.
Nausea, fainting, clammy skin, weakness, muscle aches and dizziness are a few symptoms of heat exhaustion, or worse, heat stroke that you should watch out for. If you experience these symptoms, GET COOL FAST and if they don’t get better, call 9-1-1. Don’t forget to smash that like button and share to all who are sweating! Until next time, this is Mr. Wellness saying be well, and follow the steps to a healthier you!