Afraid of putting yourself out there?

Publicado 2024-03-11
What stops you from putting yourself out there more? If "nothing" was the first answer that came into your head, then I will save you 3 minutes of your life and advise you to stop reading this. However, if you're anything like me and the hundreds of award-winning creatives I've coached, you might have pondered this question before.

Maybe it's thoughts like, "If I can't do this consistently, why bother at all?" or "Most of my posts only get a few hundred views, so it's not worth it". Whatever the voice in your head is telling you, I can assure you of one thing, it's biased. Having spent the last 15 years of my life, deeply entrenched in the personal development world, one thing I know for sure is this:

The voice in our head is constantly trying to protect us. It's biased towards safety and comfort. That's why most people don't put themselves out there as much as they would like. Myself included. So, how do I keep doing it? Sending emails, writing LinkedIn posts, running workshops, and more... even when sometimes they only get a handful of likes and comments?

The answer is simpler than you might think... I ignore how I feel.

Years ago, I realised this journey wasn't about me and my feelings—it was about other people. The essence of sharing and creating, isn't about us. It's not about how often we post, how many likes we get, or if our podcast intro is catchy enough. It's about the problems we can solve and the people we can solve them for.

A friend of mine, Mark Leruste, has a TED talk about entrepreneurship that has over a million views. He taught me that putting yourself out there isn't about being in the spotlight; it's about shining that spotlight on others. It's about focusing on the impact we can make, rather than the recognition we might receive, or even what people might think of us.

As Tony Robbins says, "All emotional suffering is a result of an obsession with ourselves".

Every moment we spend doubting our content's value and listening to the voice in our head, we're stopping people from gaining valuable insights. There are people out there right now that you can help. They need to hear what you have to say. I've recorded a short video that dives deeper into this topic and shows you how to finally get out of your own way and make the impact you are truly capable of.

P.S. Here are three ways I can help you to take your creative studio to the next level without building a massive team or working longer hours:
Get a custom growth roadmap in under 10 minutes:
Grab a FREE copy of my best-selling book:
Work directly with me and my team:

Todos los comentarios (6)
  • I needed something like this, decided I better put a comment on here before you are too popular then I won't be able to talk to you when I need to :)
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