Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 27 - The Hijrah - Emigration to Madinah - Yasir Qadhi | March 2012

Published 2012-08-14
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi gives a detailed analysis of the life of Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) from the original sources.

Title: The Hijrah - Emigration to Madinah

Study the biography of the single greatest human being that ever walked the surface of this earth, whom Allah sent as a Mercy to Mankind.

This lecture was recorded on 15th March, 2012

All Comments (21)
  • @WacefChowdhury
    Everytime I hear stories of Umar R.A. I just fall in love and find myself praying if only I could be like him! May Allah bless them and unite us all at the Day.
  • Sheikh's seerah is soo good. I named my son yasir lool. Masha allah. Soo good it could made in to a series on tv
  • It's so wonderful to have this lecture series on YouTube. A couple of days ago I got addicted to watching the play through of a video game. The story was interesting and I couldn't stop myself from watching those videos even though I knew I shouldn't be wasting my time. Alhamduillah this is such a good alternative for young people. I hope that I and others can benefit from these lecture series and that we can reflect on the lessons and implement what we learn. Thank you for posting this.
  • @peacenow6618
    May Allah Accept your works, and make it a means of acceptance and Guidance for the Ummah!
  • @sabashaikh7584
    The story of Umar R. A everytime in the Seerah never fails to amaze us.
  • @syedhussain693
    Jazakallahu Qairan, sheikh I have today completed your Seerah 27th lecture . Insha Allah I will complete your all 102 Seerah lectures. It is just like reading Bhukhari, Ibn Kathir. , ibn Hajr . All in a concise manner.
  • @attivamp6435
    This is one of my favourities stories from seerah about Suraqa.
  • @element6264
    Best best best. Jazakallahu khairan Sheikh for this master piece, it's like I can imagine the whole scenario.
  • @rafi55ful
    I learned lot from you shaikh saheb
  • @akhlakc00 Allah grant him paradise.Ameen.
  • @Alhuda08
    bless you shaikh! i luuuuvvvv these lectures!
  • @junedansari3271
    Can i get this seerah in urdu. I want to show this seerah to my parents.
  • @abubakr8232
    Episode 27 - Episode 31 Notes (Due to word count i split it across the eps) Part 1 The Hijrah The Prophet SAW migrated with Abu Bakr RA after, Allah SWT gave them permission to do so on the 26th of Safar, in the 13th year of the Dawah. The Prophet SAW was one of the last people to migrate. When the Prophet SAW told Abu Bakr RA on the 26th of Safar, that they had been given permission to migrate, Abu Bakr RA begun to cry out of happiness. But, the migration did not happen right away. On the night of the 26th, the Qurayshi tribes came together at their parliament and decided to assassinate the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Jibreel AS came down and informed the Prophet SAW the he must migrate now and thus the Prophet SAW went to Abu Bakr RA. Abu Bakr RA left Makkah with the Prophet SAW that same night. Abu Bakr RA took all of his wealth and left Aisha RA and Asma RA with no money except, with what Allah SWT would provide for them. Later, Abu Jahal beat Asma RA, to reveal the where the Prophet SAW had gone but, he couldn’t get it out of her. When, the Prophet SAW was on the outskirts of Makkah, SAW turned around and stated “You are the holiest land on Earth and I would have never left you. But I have to, because my people have expelled me”. The Prophet SAW then headed to Jabal Thawr with Abu Bakr RA and they hid in the Cave of Thawr for three days. During this period, Abu Bakr RA’s oldest son Abdullah, brought them food and Abu Bakr RA’s former slave, would erase the footsteps of Abdullah leading to the Cave, by herding sheep over them. However, The Quraysh sent scouts after them and with the help of a special hired tracker, they tracked the Prophet SAW to Jabal Thawr. But, they were unable to find the Cave of Thawr because Allah SWT protected the Prophet SAW. After the three days, the Prophet SAW and Abu Bakr RA left the mountain and then met Abdullah ibn Urayqit who led them to Medina. On the Hijrah to Medina, Suraqa Ibn Malik, a skilled bounty hunter got the word that the Quraysh have put a bounty on the lives of the Prophet SAW, Abu Bakr RA and their guide. Thus he chased after the Prophet SAW and as he got in distance of them, he encountered supernatural events that prevented him from advancing. He then asked permission from the Prophet SAW to approach and he was granted this. He then asked the Prophet SAW to give him written protection for when Islam spreads and he was granted this. Before he let them go, the Prophet SAW asked him “How will you feel on the day you wear the bracelets of Kisra” which shocked Suraqa Ibn Malik. This Prophecy was fulfilled seven years after the death of the Prophet SAW and Umar RA himself, put the bracelets of Kisra on the hands of Suraqa, which made everyone in the masjid praise Allah SWT in joy. Abdullah ibn Urayqit left the Prophet SAW and Abu Bakr RA once they were close enough to Medina. When the Prophet SAW arrived at Quba, which is on the outskirts of Medina. The Prophet SAW didn’t advance and waited for one week. This was done to allow Ali RA, Aisha RA and Asma RA to make their way to Quba. It was during this week, that the Prophet SAW laid the foundations for Masjid Quba with the help of Abu Bakr RA and Ali. The Prophet SAW and Abu Bakr RA were met by a delegation of five hundred Ansar at Quba, who then escorted them to Medina, where they welcomed by hundreds of Ansar. The news of the coming, of the Prophet SAW, to Medina was so widespread that, even the Jews were aware of SAW’s arrival. Once the Prophet SAW entered Medina, Allah SWT made his camel take him, to where the first Masjid in Medina would be built. Whilst the Masjid was being built, the Prophet SAW, Abu Bakr RA and some of the other Sahabah RA, all lived with Abu Ayub Ansari RA, who was a distant relative of the Prophet SAW, for 6 months. The land where Masjid Nabawi was built, was initially owned by two orphans from whom the Prophet SAW purchased the land from. It then took two weeks to build and the Prophet SAW himself helped build it. The Prophet SAW after building the Masjid, only improved it by adding a sunproof roof over it. Abu Bakr RA during his Khalifah didn’t improve it at all. It was Umar RA who expanded the Masjid and gave it a proper roof. Then Uthman RA during his Khalifah expanded the Masjid by fifty percent. None of the Khalifah incorporated the house of Aisha RA into the Masjid meaning that the Grave of the Prophet SAW remained separate to the Masjid for almost a hundred years. It was Al Walid I who incorporated the house of Aisha RA and thus the Grave of the Prophet SAW into the Masjid. Al Walid I also expanded the Masjid immensely. CONTINUED ON THE NEXT EPISODE ========================================================== Disclaimer for my Notes of Sheikh Yasir Qadhi’s Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Series: Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, these are my notes on Sheikh Yasir Qadhi’s Seerah series. Please note: I HIGHLY recommend that you all watch YQ’s Seerah series, as I DON’T cover every single detail the Sheikh mentions. I made these notes primarily for myself but, decided my fellow brothers and sisters may benefit from them too. I no doubt will have made mistakes in my notes. All the good in these notes is from Allah SWT and all the mistakes are from myself. But, I was very meticulous and tried my best to make sure everything is accurate as the Sheikh mentions it. You also will see I have added “Fun Trivia facts” under each of my notes. These FTFs are information YQ said that was off topic or not necessary to include in my notes for the episode. But, they were still worth mentioning hence the inclusion as FTFs. FTFs aren’t always HAPPY pieces of information. Sometimes they are very sad trivia. I just want to say that FTF is the phrase I used for them all collectively when making the notes. One thing I wanted to do but am too lazy to do is, maybe someone could take the FTFs from under each “Episode” and make an Islamic reminder/information IG/TikTok account and post them daily or something. Could be a great form of Sadaqah Jaariyah. Please keep me in your Duas and ask Allah SWT to forgive all our sins during this blessed month and beyond! Ameen
  • @jihanjannah21
    SubahanAllah Suraqa ibn Malik's story is soo beautiful <3