Why I love and believe in Santa Claus and the spirit of Christmas!

Published 2020-12-10
Hello and good morning, everyone,
Hope everyone is staying safe during the very devastating and rough coronavirus pandemic! I have just completed my final exams and all my classes for my first semester of college and passed them all! In exchange, I would love to confess my honest feelings for a man I've believed for the past 18 years on this Earth and will continue to for the rest of my life: Santa Claus! Santa is one of the generous people in the entire world and someone I have love dearly, has done so much for me and a lot of people(young and old) on the whole planet for so many years(he even wrote to me that he's over 1,700 years old in Christmas 2018)and this is a treat just for him to say how much I love him and what he does. However, I also discuss the spirit of Christmas and what it is about! I personally feel my voice needs to be heard
Disclaimer: If any non-believers are going to be disrespectful for who I believe in, I will not respond to you because I don't need validation, If I'm a believer in a man who has done the impossible for hundreds of years, that what matters to me!
P.S. Like and subscribe for more content, more videos on the way!

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