Animal Crossing's Surprisingly Dark and Depressing Moments you don't remember...

Published 2023-07-05
Animal Crossing games from the gamecube through new horizons is known for typically being pretty upbeat and cheerful.... but what about the dark, sad, and depressing moments

All Comments (21)
  • @kairacarter7530
    One of my favorite villagers, Punchy, he keeps on telling me about how he thinks the world of Animal Crossing is fake and that everything he does ultimately is for the enjoyment of a complete stranger. This has happened to him twice on my island, and he always plays it off as a joke. But knowing that he gets freaked out by the fact that he wouldn’t be able to actually handle his reality being fake made me feel terrible for him. I think that was the most tragic Animal Crossing New Horizons moment for me was.
  • @Spacelozzy264
    I think this is why I will never delete my island on new horizons. I lost a friend suddenly who played with me during covid. I cried when one of my villages where "hey i haven't seen x for a while, hope they are okay" 😢
  • @benamisai-kham5892
    The best thing to happen to me: I lost Beardo in animal crossing new leaf, and a couple days after he moved out, I found him in new horizons on the random islands and his line said "it was like destiny meeing you here" and it absolutely was.
  • @kiersten206
    I went into Gloria's house yesterday and she told me "you can't choose your family, but you can choose your furniture. And really, that's what's important." Giiirl, who hurt you??😢
  • @kittycatzuka
    Regarding the bottled message from the husband to his wife... I always thought the wife had died and he was trying to send her a message by tossing it into the sea because he couldn't just tell her directly anymore.
  • When you mentioned the loss of a loved one I nearly cried. My mom didn't like video games mainly because she found them meaningless and caused her motion sickness, that was until 2020 and acnh releasing. It start with her keenly watching us play on the TV, then she'd occasionally agree to play one me or my siblings account for a few minutes, then she made her own account on the island. By her birthday a year after launch(11th of March, 2021) she was completely in love, so me and my sibling organised her an acnh switch, a island hand grip, and an acnh switch case. I also made her a cake that looked like the island on the loading screen. She loved that switch and played every day after work, her favourite villager was Eric and her disliked village was hipppo. She loved it so much and decided to get me a switch light of my own(I formally share) for my birthday 12 days later. She tragically died in December that year(2021), but at least she got to play the update, I like to think that was why the updates ended so unexpectedly, she loved brewster and visited him religiously(was a coffiholic irl). Acnh just means so much to me, it took months to even consider opening my island, but at this point I can play for the most part, dispite it being emotionally. I will ALWAYS think of her when I think of the and even more so when I see Eric. I try not to think about how her island mostly likely a weed fest now and that her villagers, especially her Eric must miss her too hell and back, possibly worse than me as she is what made them alive and real.
  • @_LuckieDuckie_8087
    As a animal crossing veteran, I will tell you newer players that the ball going into the lake or ocean is way sadder than it seems.
  • @zigazav1
    btw, Isabelle in New Leaf only gets 1 hour of sleep each night, Out of the 24 hours in a day, she only gets to sleep 1 of those hours. It's a miracle she can still function as kind as she always is. Caffeine can only carry a sleep-lacking person so much
  • @stargazer0728
    In ACNH my snooty became so sad because of flowers. She came up to me and said what about the flowers, the flowers are all gone. She started crying and I felt so bad that I planted more flowers even though I didn't need more flowers. Also in NH my villagers will ask how come a visitor hasn't came back to visit them and they hope they come back soon. In NL my villagers often ask if I know anyone that would come to visit because new people are always great to have around. I feel bad because nobody really plays NL anymore so I can't bring in a visitor. I did enjoy Densel"s videos and binged the entire series. Thanks for the video.
  • @AngusRocker22
    There's something about the Animal Crossing series that is so simple, yet so deep at the same time. This channel does a great job shining a light on it.
  • @jettash0720
    Sometimes in older games a letter from Mom would sound pretty sad to me. Idk if it was just how I read it or what though. I used to think your parents were divorced because sometimes I swear there would be a letter that was like "I saw your dad today" and idk, it just kinda implied it for me personally. I tried finding an image for it when I was talking to a friend but never found it so maybe I made it up or something :/
  • @-themightymittens-
    Cyrus seems like the kind of guy to hurt himself somewhat regularly lol, he gives off a slightly clueless and goofy vibe
  • @systemloading
    The "delete town" option in New Horizons is unsettling to me for some reason- Tom Nook explicitly says that his and the other residents' minds will be wiped of your existence. So does Tom know when his mind has been erased? I also saw people talking about how Lazy villagers in New Horizons talk about the world being made-up for someone's entertainment, but then quickly disregarding that statement with a cheerful attitude. I don't want to be extreme, but is there lore where some characters know the existence of a higher being, AKA the player? Are the Lazy villagers aware, but then their minds are being wiped of these realizations? Again, Tom Nook mentions how memory wiping is a thing. I also wonder if there's an in-universe explanation for other people having the same characters at the same time? Are the characters aware of these 'copies'? Is the player seen as a higher being?
  • @zigazav1
    About towns being deleted in this franchise, I hear if your town you're deleting in New Leaf was successful enough of a town, after deleting the town, it's actually sold to Tom Nook, and he gives you Bells according to it's worth. I of course never did this myself. I'm too kind-hearted to delete my own town in any Animal Crossing game. And I'm too easy to cry over stuff that hurts me emotionally, even if the problem has nothing to do with me. Example: Someone I care about allot, is suffering emotionally. EDIT: I continued to watch the video, and you already covered that thing from New Leaf. Welp, I made a worthless comment here then
  • @ashessakura7518
    I remember getting a letter from Goldie apologising for not saying goodbye, Goldie was a character I loved with all my heart so the fact she left without me knowing hurt like hell and I she’d tears. I never picked up the game ever again and abandoned my wild world town, I’m trying to get her on my new horizons island, so far, no luck but I did get a DIY bottle from her
  • @Alex_Silverpen
    while not really sad or depressing, I remember once back in Wild World, I was visiting Elmer's house. And I was a kid at the time, probably about 13 or so. And I remember looking in his closet and seeing the text 'You saw something you weren't meant to see. Well, it's been nice knowing you!' and it freaked me out so much. I actually wrote a creepypasta based on that line of dialogue way back when. Since that day, I have never intentionally opened a villager's closet or w/e. for sure the freakiest thing that's happened to me in Animal Crossing.
  • @lilypoise
    I played NL when I was 13/14 & took the letters rlly seriously. I would reply to my villagers all the time and write to myself too. Anyways, I logged on recently last year (I'm in my 20s now) & one of my original villagers showed me a letter I sent them and I got so emotional because I was upset over a test. They then told me the classic line -- I treasure this letter and idk! I went and read the letters I saved from my exchanged w my villagers and idk when you said it was a time capsule I felt it. My teenage self was littered through the whole game -- the letters, the catch phrases, and Tangy asked me if my birthday wish from 2017 came true. It was so simple, I had wished to 'be happy.' After all those hours playing the game, it was like a letter to myself. Idk!!! I tried writing letters in NH, but the villagers don't acknowledge your text as much as they did in NL, it's weird !
  • @munchlaxfan1823
    Wow… I never thought about how Phyllis was being treated at work now I probably will try not to judge villagers and special villagers so quickly
  • @kinasakuraba
    My grandmother played almost every version of Animal Crossing with me and my sister. She passed around the time that New Horizons came out, she never got to play it. I sent her pictures I'd take off the screen with my phone of my friend and I goofing off on my shiny new island, I really just wanted her to see it before she had to go. I know she would've loved it as much as the others. She was a min-maxer for money, just so she could give it all away to her grandkids that played with her because we all worked or had school and she had spare time. I have an AC themed tattoo my friend drew for me with her name, so she's always with me. Thanks for letting me share that. Have a great day every day ❤
  • @nyperold7530
    With the ball, it's worst when you're trying to kick it to a villager who strongly hinted that they wanted one for some reason. So you try to get it... only to find that there's a river in between, and the bridge is bowed and has no rails, so it's hard to get it across without it falling in the river. If you have the Happy Home Paradise DLC, you can come across this one when talking to a Peppy villager. Apparently, you are the only one she trusts with MOST THINGS. While it's great that she feels she can trust you, it's sad that she doesn't have a better network of trustworthy friends. (Or she has such trust issues that even villagers who are completely trustworthy haven't earned it by her standards. The very existence of cowhide rugs is kinda... I mean, mundane animals still exist alongside the sapient versions, so maybe it's one of them, but still, Tipper requires one in her vacation home...