Why Are Players Disappointed In Zenless Zone Zero ?

Published 2024-07-05

All Comments (21)
  • @rikoche7843
    i think zzz is an above average game , as you said it's too easy , and i think that all they need to do is fix tvs and make the game a little harder all tho these are only two things , but they kinda make or break the game . i think the video was very fair , but i need to clarify the pgr part : as a pgr player , i can confirm that the first few hours are easy because of the story , but the game becomes harder afterwards and needs actual strategy i get the comparison and i agree if you didn't hate on pgr because of the start and gave it a shot , try to give zzz it's shot too . i also agree that players who don't enjoy the game should quit and wait for content creators to cover the whole thing and if it has potential in mid to late game then they can comeback! love your content stioorg , also thank you for reading whoever read that comment :)
  • @letsrank9349
    How to anger an entire community in 1 sentence. "Pgr is a button mashing game." These guys are usually chill but holy frick😂😂😂
  • 4:20 PGR player here. Just to preface, ZZZ is ok. Favorite thing is the art direction. What I find mediocre is the combat. The TV is overstaying its welcome sometimes but it's fine once ina while. The answer: It's a yes and an absolute no answer. The entire fights in PGR's story save for the bosses are easy but the story is really there for both the casuals and the hard-cores. So the first 15 hours, assuming you haven't unlocked challenging end-game modes, are easy. But here comes the absolute no. Among all the hack-and-slash arena-based fighting gacha games I've ever played (HI3, AG, PGR, and ZZZ) PGR is the certain one to not fall under the button-mashing category. Why? Because the foundation of the system prevents and discourages mindless button mashing due to the orb system, the core passives, and team-wide synergies and mechanics like QTEs. Due to the orb system, you technically, literally won't play the same character on the exact same way cause the orb colors (red, blue, yellow) are all RNG-based and random. Add the fact that you need to match 3 orbs for optimal damage, which means you can't just click orbs as you see them cause the game incentivize you to match them for greater damage. Aside from that, there are actual combos required to activate a character-specific mechanic. For insance, for Bianca Veritas, you need to match (ping) 3 blue orbs and then followed by red one (Forgot the color combo ngl 😂). So you can't literally just mash buttons. You have to observe and react quickly. And add the fact that you need to watch the enemies attacking you to either dodge or parry. Ypu also need to rotate to you support and tank. You also need to activate QTEs to activate buffs and debuffs at the right moment. All those are for basic constructs only. If we're gonna add gen-2 and gen-3 frames. There's an added layer of complexity. Why? Some frames have a normal mode, and then core passive activated mode. For instance, my girl Bianca Stigmata has a normal mode. To enter her core passive mode, you need to long press dodge button to enter a matrix. Once there, you either attack for a few times to activate a mark, then hold attack to activate a flying sword slash attack OR you dodge an enemy attack then hold basic attack to activate flying sowrd attack. Then, you click ult, then the QTE of your support and tank. Then switch to a tank, then do another different combo mechanic specifically made for that character. In short. You can't button mash especially for most units. There are simpler units, but so far, they all have unique combos and kits. The only true button masher I know is Kamui Tenebriom. Add that complexity to a malding content with enemies on steroids like Tower of Babel or even the weekly Norman War at high levels and with enemy buffs and debuffs and you'll understand. Keep in mind though, PGR could still be casual and for hard-cores. Great thing about Kuro is that they love scalability since they understand that not all want an overly challenging content. I myself love PGR because of the story and combat. Forgive the overly specific example and this long comment, cause I think non-pgr players wouldn't understand what I mean if I say PGR isn't a button masher. That's it for my thesis. * I forgot that there are CUBS as well (inspiration of WuWa's Echoes)
  • @Kimiruan
    First time hearing someone says "I enjoy TVs in ZZZ"
  • @tsuhao7767
    I haven't played ZZZ yet, but from the amount of information I've seen on social media since the game's launch, it feels similar to when Genshin Impact came out at the start of COVID. This time, however, everything is reversed because of Wuwa. People can't stop comparing them since both are hack-and-slash games. Another reason for this comparison is that players finally feel like the developers are listening to them in Wuwa. After seeing the new game from Mihoyo and how the developers are finally addressing players' requests for Genshin Impact after 4 years, it seems like everyone is channeling their frustrations with Mihoyo into their newest game.
  • @PrabuAzazel
    "180 Free Pulls" is a huge scam. 😝 Its more like gameplay rewards.
  • The devs really pushed the combat with the fighting game round table and people ended up having high expectations from the combat
  • @Random-js6ci
    Honestly, most of the players complaining are from Genshin and Star rail expecting another open-world eXplOrATiOn. Yet, most of the players from Honkai Impact are enjoying the game -- and you can see this reaction from Youtubers who are fans of Honkai Impact vs a Youtuber who started and only have played genshin or star rail. Yes, Genshin and Star rail are amazing games, but in their own turf. I didn't play ZZZ expecting that style of gameplay and the first time I researched about the game, it clicked with me that they are going the route similar to HI3, PGR, etc just with their own pinch of "flavors" with the TV and small zones to walk around in. Just because the gameplay doesn't fit to your personal preference, doesn't mean it sucks, but then again this is what happens when you try to introduce something different to the mainstream and as well to people who are initially ignorant of the fact. :) It's the very reason why Honkai Impact's popularity still isn't at the level of star rail and genshin for 7 years its simply because HI3 gameplay doesn't attract the open-world/exploration community because it's non-existent, just how it is with ZZZ. its kinda cringe trying to compare completely different style of games to one another when the intention of ZZZ isn't to be what it's compared to in the first place, but this is the internet, so there's no changing how people ignorantly view and compare things, I can only say what is. Pathetic.
  • 4:18 you cannot be serious here. In pgr you don't just mash the same button,you have color matching to do with orbs as well,you have to dodge to get the matrix, trigger the qtes when able and so on. All this from patch 1.0 on release. Basically, you had to be more involved is what im trying to say and not necessarily that its easier
  • tv mini game i story mode is the biggest reason many players are hating and quiting the game. The difficulty of battles will get harder and it's easy to fix but Tv minigames is just there to gatekeep the combat. Irony is the game is advertised as combat focused game and you are forced to play minigame for 5 min to battle for 2 min afterwards. like seriously?:face-orange-raised-eyebrow:
  • @Hiruma_
    What bothers me is that you literally can button-mash E, Space and Left-Click and win every single battle blindfolded. It's not even an exaggeration. The combat looks amazing visually but its not challenging in the slightest. You go through all the tedious TV stuff and when you get to fight its not even rewarding. And running through the same corridors over and over and over again is really repetitive.
  • 3 year PGR player here. One of the more challenging gachas out there. I'm burned out on their 3ping system but it does add a level of challenge though I haven't found anywhere else. I also play Aether Gazer which may be the middle ground between ZZZ and PGR. If you want more aggressive arena style combat, Punishing Gray Raven is where its at.
  • @nebuchadness
    To be honest, I don't think the game is over-hated as you claimed. People just states the facts of what they have experienced playing and it's pretty obvious. CN ratings dropped & Google Play store dropped from 4.4 to 3.0 today after experiencing the game. And people pulling the narrative that you have to play for 40 hours and more to reach end part to experience the best the game has to give. That's not going to work out. As people always said before, first impression is very important and a lot of people are not impressed.
  • @Synocra
    PGR has so many combos using the orbs what do you mean 😭 😭 😭
  • @SazidMugdho
    ZZZ is bad only because we have played WuWa before, comparing how good it is... It has almost same issues as genshin was... So, ZZZ is getting more hate than it deserved :(
  • Me personally, I just hate the TVs. I thought the combat was the focus, as advertised by them, but I guess I was wrong. After 3 hours, I'm really trying to feel it. Hope I'm not harsh tho.
  • @Valor06
    As a casual gamer, all these reasons as to why people don't like this game are exactly why I will like it.
  • 4:58 i disgree with ur point wholeheartedly here, you dont have to complete alot of the game to have a valid point on if the game is good or not. If people arent hooked in the first hr, that's a problem first impressions matter. If i watch a movie and the first 20 minutes sucks who cares if the rest of the movie is great I wouldnt care enough to get past that first 20 min