Nuts and Dolts confession [RWBY fan animation]

Published 2023-12-24

The audio of this video is directly from Taylor McNee's (Penny's VA) Cameo, where @/ uultra7iolence on Twitter commissioned her for fun Nuts and Dolts (Ruby and Penny) confession. ♥ I HAD to do something of it-

I exploded and animated this during 15 days non-stop every night. I'm super happy I animated something that long and cleaned it and finished it completely ! :]

Hope you enjoy it !



L'audio de cette vidéo vient directement du Caméo de Taylor McNee (la voix de Penny), où @/ uultra7iolence sur Twitter lui a commissionné une confession Nuts and Dolts (Ruby et Penny de RWBY) pour le fun. ♥ Je DEVAIS faire quelque chose de ça-

J'ai explosé et animé ça pendant 15 jours non-stop tous les soirs. Je suis super heureuse d'avoir animé quelque chose d'aussi long et de l'avoir clean et fini complètement ! :]


Credits :

Audio : Taylor McNee, from her Cameo, from a FUN/NON CANON request for an NND confession
Music : The Most Powerful Warrior to Ever Live from the RWBY Volume 9 soundtrack.
   • The Most Powerful Warrior to Ever Liv...  
Commissioner of the Cameo request and owner of the audio : @/ uultra7iolence on Twitter
Characters : Penny Polendina and Ruby Rose from RWBY, owned by Rooster Teeth.
Full 2D animation, sound & video editing : myself


Thank you for visiting !
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All Comments (21)
  • @williamlaney1176
    So beautiful. So sad. How I wish this would be canon even if it breaks my heart.
  • @inuken191
    I’m crying this is actually so good. I heard the audio from the cameo alone but to put it in the context of Penny in the afterlife realizing her feelings too late… AUGH 😭
  • @RedTheRoyal
    MY HEARTTTTT this is so beautifully animated I will never recover from this 💚❤️
  • @blakemartin8334
    Thank you, I did not realize how heartbreaking you would make this
  • @vaniellys
    Magnifiquement triste 😭😭😭
  • @N7_Imperator
    Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Well, time to go cry now.
  • @cresent9931
    I’m crying, you’re crying, we’re all crying! Don’t deny it damn it!
  • @bakancsification
    This was so beautiful, Penny's words were literally tugging at my heartstrings... Rwby had so much potential, I feel a deep sorrow that Mounty passed away so early and was not here with us to continue the story... I still love the show but damn... This universe had so much to be explored, so much interesting characters and stories to be unfold... My only hope is that artists such as you will one day resurrect the show and fill it with beauty like in this video... Albeit this was less than a minute, I loved every second of it... Thank you...
  • @mauriceisaac3646
    Such a perfect animation! This means a lot to me since this was the only Ruby ship I felt had any real footing since they had such a strong bond, I could easily see them developing romantic feelings for each other. Penny deserved much more than how the writers treated her. 😢
  • @Hyake
    This... i feel it in my heart. Thank you for ur hard work.
  • Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnddd this touched AND melted my Heart. Especially that kiss. X3
  • Wow! Es demasiada emoción y tristeza 😭 que injusto para ellas no poder estar juntas
  • @pandaKIS912
    The animaton is so SMOOTH 😮 AND THE LIPSYNC???? Thank you so much for your hard work ❤❤❤ I'm okay, i'm fine, gwenchana...💔🥲
  • @M4-846
    Your drawings and animations are always Magnificently Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • @Kayko271997
    This has to be my favorite piece of Nuts and Dolts content. I've come back to watch this over and over again now.
  • @kidprime6863
    So Penny really does regret about her unnecessary sacrifice after all. She was so blinded by her guilt and desire to do her own thing, she didn't see the emotional harm and consequences that came with it. Until it was too late. Her friends wanted her to make the right choices, they just wanted to guide her in the right direction. Her death was forced, mean-spirited, poorly written and half-assed. The only "good" thing I can understand about it is that it serves as a cautionary tale of what happens when you let your guilt, doubts, failures, fears and insecurities dictate your choices in trying to do the right thing. As well as a tragic yet poignant reminder of the intricacies of choice and profound impact that they have. And that our internal battles are just as consequential as our external ones. In Penny's case, she was consumed by her failure of protecting Winter and keeping the people of Mantle safe. Her fear of not doing anything will make things worse. Her insecurities of being nothing more than a machine. Her doubts about whether or not if she did the right thing taking the Maiden powers. Her desire to make a choice, fix her mistake and not be a puppet on strings, even if it meant sacrificing herself to do it. Being framed for murder by Watts and Tyrian. The gaslighting and blackmail from Ironwood and the Ace-Ops. Being toyed with by Cinder. And finally getting hacked by Watts. All of this added more fuel to her recklessness. She failed to understand that sacrifice is only noble when the implications are fully understood and when its purpose is just. It shouldn't necessarily be the only solution to fix a problem. Dying isn't cool, think about how it would affect people's hearts. She needed to be more mindful of her choices before execution. This is what people mean when they say "Choose wisely" and "Think before you act". Decisions done in a haste or in isolation can be bad and can lead to devastating consequences. Plus, she needed to learn from her mistakes or else history will repeat itself. Penny did the right thing taking the Maiden powers. What she doesn't realize is that if she didn't, Cinder would've killed Winter then her, taken the powers, opened the Vault, claimed the Relic and Atlas would've fallen. So what she did was a big emergency. She saved not only Winter but thousands of innocent lives in the kingdom. Even if Atlas is now under siege, better that than complete annihilation. The kingdom can be rebuilt but the lives of the people who live in it are finite. Something Robyn Hill believed in. Thus, It's not entirely Penny's fault as she thinks it is. Some things are just far beyond our control. Sometimes, things have to get worse before they get better. Plus, no one gave a damn about whose fault it was, even if it was Penny's. All her friends and father wanted to do was help her fix it. But she pushed them all away. Winter was never in any critical condition. She only got a few scapes and bruises nothing more. The Ace-Ops made it up to goad her into surrendering. Which is low even for them. And that leaves us with that Battle against Cinder in the Central Location. (Bad writing and nerfing the heroes aside) They told her to go through the portal to Vacuo because she had the Relic in hand. Unfortunately, she didn't listen. Then again, she was done listening. Tired of people telling her what to do, holding her back and getting hurt because of her. Even people who had her best interest at heart. She wanted to make a choice whether they liked it or not. But that's what Cinder wanted her to do. She forgot that she had the Maiden powers and the Relic before she walked right into Cinder's trap. Then after getting mortally wounded, she forced Jaune to kill her to transfer the powers to Winter who was wasting time fighting Ironwood. Not to mention at this point the Maiden powers weren't important anymore as they already served their purpose. And as a result, Penny lost her life, she lost the Relic, Ruby and Winter lost a very good friend, Pietro lost his daughter, Jaune will carry this tragedy for the rest of his life and now Salem is just two steps ahead of her goal. Penny's "sacrifice" came at a heavy price. The fact that she didn't even regret it while talking to Winter just proves how naive she was. Her whole death was pointless and she didn't know what she had until it was gone. With all of that being said, I'm not mad at Penny. I'm mad at what she did and what she didn't try to do. She didn't look before she leaped and paid for it. But if this video isn't any indication that she really does regret it all and wishes she could take it all back, then I don't know what is. And if she had feelings for Ruby, now she won't be able to confess them. And it changes nothing about my negative opinion about her death. It's bad no matter how you slice it. In hindsight, she could've just thrown the Relic into the portal when no one was looking and THEN stay to help out, then it wouldn't matter if she died or not. Apologies for the long explanation and analysis. Thank you all for listening and help anybody who are dealing with problems like Penny was going through before it's too late. And I swear on my grandmother's grave, Cinder will pay. I SWEAR SHE'LL PAY!! P.S. I hope you make a video about Penny's ghost apologizing to all of her loved ones about she what did and what she should've done, while telling them to not give up and to avenge her. Giving Jaune, Ruby, Pietro and Winter closure. And also kudos to Taylor McNee's performance on this.
  • @HellyHedgie
    It's soooo adorable. Every time your labors make my heart clench fiercely and my head grow emotional. And this video is wonderful! And with Taylor's voiceover... You are the best! Thank you for all your hard work
  • @benhramiak8781
    Feel like penny would be blunt enough to just tell her. End of a mission she just says it one night. Or they do the firefly bit from chibi