Something's peering through the window... [ The Radio Station | 深夜放送 ]

Published 2021-11-11

All Comments (21)
  • @MildredCady
    I think the “I just met my brother the other day,” thing is more like “I just saw my brother the other day and he seemed fine.” Probably a translation/wording choice issue.
  • @zfighter3
    "I don't want to read it cuz I'm lazy" -The guy that literally reads every piece of in game text.
  • @jenh101
    I love how John is concerned that he didn’t open the noodles for the rats! I was thinking exactly the same thing but am confident that a noodle cup is no match for 3 determined and hungry rats!
  • The capital letters are spelling “Tomino’s” as in “Tomino’s Hell” (“Tomino no Jigoku”). It’s an old Japanese poem about Tomino’s descent to hell and is said to be cursed; that anyone who reads it out loud will die. It’s an urban legend, obviously, and you can find the poem, in Japanese and in English, online.
  • @masono.4529
    The Tonako poem actually seems to be a reference to the real life "cursed poem" Tomino's Hell. Thats also what the capital letters in the tapes spelled out. Chilla's Art also made the Aka Manto game, right? It seems like they like Japanese folklore and ghost stories.
  • @robinthrush9672
    The translation of, "I just met him the other day," should probably have been, "I just saw him the other day," if he's the brother.
  • @ultimaT
    I waspretty creeped out until John read the capital letters as "Tom in OS Hell" lmao
  • @kellswitch
    There is something about their games where they don't scare me but every once in a while in them, something strikes me the right way and I get a chill.
  • @Theruss4
    The next Chilla's Art game needs to be about loud insects, it'd tie the games together lore wise.
  • @79Bobola
    Watching people trying to drive the wonky car in this game is hilarious 😂
  • @richwalk3954
    Hell yeah! I'll never get tired of Cilla's Art stories. Night Delivery really stood out for me, especially the lift scene. I hate the idea of being watched when I'm alone in the dark, so this will give me goosebumps for sure.
  • @biancas.1934
    The door shutting at 31:04 and John not even noticing had me rolling lol. Surprised no one's pointed that out yet.
  • @helloworld2784
    Hey John, as someone who lives in Japan, I yearly experience opening my door with a bunch of insects falling. They're big and loud af and these damn cicadas are honestly terrifying lol
  • @loveydovey9733
    I love how the ghost started knocking on the window and when it disappeared John's face was like, "uh nope" and slammed that door shut behind him LOL
  • @edstella
    No matter how completely stone-faced John is about scares and some people in games, I always love how he seems so considerate and kind to the animals.
  • @Chriscool451
    The Tomino's Hell reference is something I totally was not expecting! Love Japanese Urban Legends and these games that can come from it!!
  • @ChronosCooper
    John: No one is out driving at this hour? Me: They heard you are John. Bangs into another rail
  • Idk why you zooming in on “Masaki’s Horror Stories!” was so goddamn funny but it was
  • @LAURA---
    I was just about to go do something but saw this and got distracted. Now I’ve got no idea what I was supposed to be doing but I’m watching this instead now 🤷🏼‍♀️😂