Dr Mark Hyman Reveals The Side Effects Of Ozempic...

Published 2024-04-11

All Comments (21)
  • @kimbaker4352
    Like your parents use to say, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • @herbalhealing39
    If something sounds too good, the are usually horrible consequenses
  • @Hgdsddijbbbu54d
    I have a good friend who was on it for a year. She was suicidal and depressed every day while on it. She lost 80 lbs and her muscles were gone. She still had fat roles on her stomach and looked skinny fat. She ate junk food and doughnuts the entire time she was on it. One year later, she's gained 20 lbs back. Her diet is exactly the same. I don't understand why people do this to themselves.
  • @annan3904
    Social media in this case has pushed the use of this drug as if there was no consequences. Good to see respected Dr's like, including this podcast bring awareness.
  • @projectalice8119
    Worst decision I ever made was to take this drug. The change in my physical appearance and the digestive issues I am still experiencing two months after stopping the drug are scary.
  • @DoubleCannon2
    Been on ozempic since 2021 and my wife to. She lost 100lbs, I went from 223 to 160lbs. We go to gym and eat high protein. No side effects at all. Only thing was a headache when first starting and sulfur burps. Not a single problem after like 1 month taking it.
    Our blood results have been extremely positive, A1C below 5.0.
    Never was depressed and we are both loving life.
    Now came off ozempic and maintained weight no problem.
  • @mz3735
    People don't realize that if they do intermittent fasting everyday, eat clean food (as little sugar, additives, pesticides, modifiers, vegetable oils etc as possible), and combine that with a moderately active lifestyle, they will lose fat. Because the fat gained happens from a combination of eating bad foods and not moving much. It is not fatty food that makes you fat, it is rathe bad foods that do. Natural fats, protein and carbs are good for and meant for the body. I have been eating real butter, animal fat and cream etc for years now and my blood work shows perfect levels. I have also slowly lost fat over the months and gained muscle. And that is without making my meal size smaller. I do also get to enjoy a glass of wine every once in a while, and natural homemade desserts.

    I once tried to eat sugar again after I quit for weeks, and my stomach had a severe reaction, which I interpret as a normal reaction to poison.

    Changing lifestyle is the way to go. NOT ozempic. We are living in a quick fix society, and it never bears fruit. The only solution to a global weight loss, is will power, making organic foods affordable, and eliminating toxins from our food. Since this will not happen, because of how food companies and big farma will lose customers from it, each individual has to take their own bodily health into their own hands.
  • @avonee1976
    I never thought it was a good idea for non-diabetics to take this medicine. I'm glad that someone is finally telling the truth!
  • I’m a dispatcher. Word spread fast through the communications center that this drug worked. So far we’ve had 3 out of the 15 taking it people needing emergency gallbladder surgery.
  • @deepspring09
    This reminds me of the issues caused by smoking, in the context of the fast food industry being worried that drugs like Ozempic might cause them to lose money
  • @NS-xt5wv
    And here I am having lost 60+ lbs (28 kg) naturally, being asked all the time if I’m on Ozempic 😒
  • Australia. I am a type 2 diabetic, was put on this late last year. Quite often cannot fill my prescription as not enough available. Have travelled up to 2 hours away to get it filled and had to go through 100 questions to get it via the chemist. (Which was fine) the chemist refused to put it aside until we could drive to the chemist, so could well have turned up to find it no longer available . We will not do this (travel distances) to get this script filled again, the fuel cost is crap, so we can’t afford to do this sort of running around. We do not eat processed foods, haven’t done so for 20 plus years. Grow our own veg, eat little mea, try to balance our diet. My doc has been great, explained possible side effects, I have checks every month, found I wasn’t drinking enough water, so have bumped that up and found tests results improved massively. (I have only two cups of instant coffee a day, 1 cup of tea, rest of the time water). Every time I go to the toilet, I have a 200ml glass of water to ensure my kidney function is optimumised. Constipation is a problem, so I have all bran and prunes each mid morning, as brunch, occasionally I may have a cup of home made soup for mid arvo and then a proper meal of a night, small portion of protein and veg or salad. I have lost a huge amount of weight, over 40 kg, so now I have options open to me to have knee surgery done, which will allow me to walk more and hopefully pain free, then I hope I can drop the Ozempic, as I should be able to maintain the diet and exercise. My diabetes is well under control and if I can keep the weight from returning it should be good. Like every medication available, there are possible side effects, most people don’t read the information included with the meds, and don’t query with their doctor regularly about what meds they are taking and if any can be dropped or dose lessened. I think my doctor must cringe when he sees me at times, I write out questions, check what else I can be doing etc. I am never made to feel like a fool for my queries and I do appreciate that attitude. So for me so far, Ozempic is working. But I do detest all the hype it has been given as a weight loss drug, which unfortunately is making it very difficult for diabetics to be able to get regular supply, if you do not require this drug for its intended use, find other ways. No hate responses please, just expressing my experience with the drug.
  • @aussiefox2000
    I lost 10 kilos on it. I couldn't get it for 6 months and I did not gain it back. You have to change you life style.
  • I was obese my entire life, once I cut sugar and carbs I lost all that weight. People need to get in the balance of feasting and fasting, periods of plenty of food and time without any food at all. Keto and fasting saved my life, I never felt better, more focused and healthy than I have ever felt in my 30 odd years on earth.
  • @polamidget1926
    My husband was on it for diabetic reason. The side effects were so bad even after stopping it for months. Yes he lost some weight but he felt do dizzy sick stomach issues etc. He looks like Fred Flintstone dr put him on something else wasnt great but was better than ozempic now he still looks like a thinner version of Fred Flintstone. Dont get on this drug. Not worth it....cut out snacking all day, soda, ice cream, drink more water and try moving around more. Thats what i started doing a few weeks ago. Dont buy any bad food so you are not tempted to cheat when you're home
  • I tried it for couple of months but it slows down your digestive system so people with stomach issues should not take it. I ended up with gastritis and severe constipation.
  • I wanted ozempic originally when I was diagnosed with type 2 but my physician being more cautious and not jumping the gun said I should try to get into control with diet, exercise and more proven drugs. It's going pretty well my almost debilitating arthritis is 90% better and I can actually walk for exercise again. I have to really watch my carbohydrates like a hawk however and I didn't really realize how carbohydrate heavy American food was until I had to actually keep track of it...you can't just look for 0 sugar and forget the carbohydrates hiding in your food.