How would have been WW2 if Central Powers had won WW1?

Published 2017-07-27
The Second World War if Central Powers had won WW1. What if Austria-Hungary Empire and Ottoman Empire had fought WW2 into Axis, after a German victory during World War 1?
-Austria-Hungary Empire
-Ottoman Empire
-Baltic Duchy
-Kingdom of Ukraine

-British Empire
-New Zealand
1917. WW1 started 3 years ago.
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria are fighting British Empire, France, USA, Italy and Japan. Russia was defeated in 1917 and there is a Civil War.

21 march 1918: Ludenfdorff launch an offensice on the Western front. The offensive is succesfull, Germans enter Paris and France surrenders. War is over.

There is an armistice. The British naval blockade is useless after the collapse of France, so a Entente victory would be too long and costly.
The peace conferece is held in Copenaghen. It’s an armistice, not a complete German victory.

Great Britain do not lose nothing. They are not defeated, and their fleet protect Britain from an invasion.

France lose Morocco, Burkina Faso, Central Africa and Indochina to Germans. Congo is now Germsn, Germans also gain Luxembourg and half Belgium.

Serbia, Montenegro and Albania are now Austria-Hungary protectorate.

Italy have to pay reparations to Austria-Hungary but do not lose territories. Austria has enough ethinc problems.
Slavs inside the Empire are now as numerous as Germans.

Bulgaria annexes Macedonia.
Ottomans gain the control of Saudi Arabia.
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on 3 March 1918 remains valid. Finland, the Baltic States,,Poland, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Ukraine are now under German influence.

In the following years, Austria-Hungay Empire and Ottoman Empire do not dissolve. Germany remains a monarchy under Wilhelm II.
Hitler never rises to power.
Germans have now strong interests and colonies in Asia, and are in economic competition with Japan.
Chiang Kay Shek, with German support, bring China under his control.
Karl I is the Austrian Emperor, after Franz Joseph death in 1916.
The rest oft he World follows almost the same historical path we all know, until 1937…

Musics: Achilles - Strings di Kevin MacLeod è un brano autorizzato da Creative Commons Attribution (
Artista: All This - Scoring Action di Kevin MacLeod è un brano autorizzato da Creative Commons Attribution (
Artista: Come Play with Me di Kevin MacLeod è un brano autorizzato da Creative Commons Attribution (
Artista: Constancy Part 1 - The Descent di Kevin MacLeod è un brano autorizzato da Creative Commons Attribution (
Artista: Constancy Part 2 - The Descent di Kevin MacLeod è un brano autorizzato da Creative Commons Attribution (
Artista: Crisis - Scoring Action di Kevin MacLeod è un brano autorizzato da Creative Commons Attribution (
Artista: Darkness is Coming di Kevin MacLeod è un brano autorizzato da Creative Commons Attribution (
Artista: Devastation and Revenge di Kevin MacLeod è un brano autorizzato da Creative Commons Attribution (
Artista: Interloper di Kevin MacLeod è un brano autorizzato da Creative Commons Attribution (

All Comments (20)
  • @cllego
    "Stalin commits suicide in his bunker" wait i have seen this one before
  • @rojian4692
    I learned 2 things from this: 1. France will always find a way to surrender 2. Japan will always find a way to attack a harbor
  • @seuleperdu1221
    "Alternate history" : France get defeated by basicaly the same way lmao
  • @thesamy731
    The title of the next video: How could have been ww3 if Germany could have won ww2 after winning ww1
  • Even 5 years later, this video is still a masterpiece. I hope someday the final showdown will come. Greetings from Spain
  • @swisscheese6664
    Japan does a surprise bombing of Lae harbor Me: wait I’ve seen this before
  • @deboss1638
    -so germany youve taken over the world the treaty is in ur favor what do you want? -Germany: mmm the tiny bit of land in belgium and some colonies
  • @erennaber
    Ottoman Empire: Im joining war. Germany: Why finnaly you dont get a lands. Ottoman Empire: I know just for fun.
  • @malsypright
    Something worth mentioning is that alternate history would also affect weapon designs and fighting doctrines. A lot of German designs in our timeline were they way they were due to shortages of certain resources, or the particular ambitions of Hitler himself.
  • @frefox2701
    WW2: German Reich losses and hitler kills himself This WW2: Hitler becomes an actual artist
  • @SogoNotDrunk
    Russia: rearming ----- Russia: still rearming ----- Germany: attack Russia: has poorly equipment Ah yes, the smell of the reality russian
  • @warez_90
    Hell I like this universe - no Nazis, commies defeated, strong Germany centered Europe. Nice!