The BEST Tracer Tips: Pro Coaching ft. Hydron

Published 2023-03-10
Hydron of the Toronto Defiant is a beast at Tracer, and he's here working with Coach Spilo, giving his best advice on dominating your competition on the most complex hero in the DPS cast: Tracer.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Anima_Kesil
    Incredible that we were able to hear directly from the best Tracer player in the world on the Toronto Defiant
  • @Taexer
    Hero specific tips from Pros. Now this is content I've been needing
  • @banethor
    I've been playing Tracer in the metal ranks for years but the tips in this video really had a noticeable impact on my impact and gameplay. The couple that stood out to me were: 1. Create space - force the enemy to make a choice - turn and deal with you or ignore and die. Do this by being BEHIND. 2. Don't force kills - Being annoying is good enough. Force cooldowns. (Links to #1) 3. Value your life (Links to #2) 4. Timing engages - you might have to be the fight initiator if its not a dive composition. Be prepared to vary your play style. 5. Maximise uptime - constantly create pressure without being forced out too early (Links to #2, #3, #4) 6. Use healthpacks - Tracer positioning means likely little to no help from supports. Knowing where the packs are means not having to be forced to use recall Trying to learn and applying the above meant that I was still dying a lot. But it also helped me contextualise WHY I died. Its typically because I executed one of the above poorly. To just add on some generally good advice: 7. Don't waste cooldowns - pulse + autopilot recall, blinking for the sake of it etc. 8. Have an escape route or an alternative plan - once the enemy has your attention, you're one shot away from getting deleted. (links to point #2) 9. Win more duels with proper trigger discipline and good movement.
  • @evilhippo887
    This was amazing! Could we possibly see this with other heroes/roles in the future?
  • @BrofUJu
    Love the hero specific guides here, definitely would love more tank ones.
  • @soma9029
    hydron one of the most underrated players rn, rlly think he could be S tier + next season
  • Hey Spilo, I loved your analysis on the leaked scrim between toronto and glads. There have been more leaked scrims such as Houston vs Spark and Eternal vs Titans. Are you willing to make video's about those too sometime? I personally have greatly improved my teamplay and timing because of that scrim video. Houston vs Spark Map 1 = QJWC8Z / Houston vs Spark Map 2 = KAP6V6 / Titans vs Eternal = MARC18
  • @nexesses1548
    Hydron is very good, when he hit his peak he was a top 5 sojourn, on top of that he proved himself on widow tracer etc. Very promising. In the scrim Vs glads he looked very impressive as imo as the best dps on his team and better than Kai.
  • @10_ow
    im gm1... (still bad)
  • @pyl0ri440
    I am unfamiliar with what the work marking means in overwatch. It's a bit confusing to me.
  • @dzon.jk3951
    I feel like you kinda had to pull his tongue. Great video nonetheless!
  • @Gifted1k
    whats up pilo wold love to share with a you a game had about 46Kills and about 10 death , lost sadly ... would really love to see what are your prespective on it on what i could of done better , im tipacally a GM player i peaked at 4.4 in Overwatch 1 and yeah thats a little about my back ground , im very open minded to get better . just wondering what i could of done better , if you like to see the game let me know , and yes you can use it for a video .