A Police Radar Makes Mistakes

Published 2016-05-24
Fourteen scenes recorded the same day during a 3 hour period.

All Comments (21)
  • I knew I was not crazy when a officer told me I was going 137 in a 3 cylinder car the barely reaches 105 I got My ticket dismissed just because the top speed of my car
  • The best part is when some officers write tickets for readings like that. Ya, I got you at 125mph in your geo metro, it traffic.
  • @krazor8
    118 in a semi... Start up east bound and down...
  • @GewelReal
    That's why dashcam recorder with speedo is a must
  • @ttss5726
    hell you can turn on the vents in the car on high and point the radar at the vents and it will give a speed reading.
  • @samfosdick9874
    I got a ticket for 130 in a 70...thank goodness I was able to prove my vehicle was electronically governed at 95. Judge threw it out
  • @sinformant
    I've been there. Years ago I was leaving work, headed down the highway omw home in a group of cars, i was in the left lane there was a car ahead of me, a car next to them, and a van beside me and a car behind them. We were traveling 70 in a 70, suddenly a highway patrolman came up on me, I looked down double checked I wasn't speeding, which I wasn't so I was relieved...until the lights came on. So I slowed down so I could get over and pulled into a church parking lot. The cop came up and asked why I was in such a hurry. I said I was headed home and I thought it was 70 through here. He said it is but you were doing 95. I was like there is no way, and if I was doing 95 then the entire group of cars I was traveling with was doing 95 too. He said what cars? I said seriously? He copped an attitude and wrote me a ticket for 95 in a 70... Went to the court house, they set up a court date. Went to court and they offered me 2 options pleed guilty and accepted a deal, or pleed not guilty and I'd have to come back to court and the day would push for 60 days in jail and have my license suspended for a year.... I didn't even have money for the ticket in the first place so I definitely couldn't afford a lawyer, it was clear to me at this point I wasn't going to have even a fair chance as there were several.other people in there for the same exact thing, many from out of state without even a blemish on their driving records and they all received the same treatment. It would up costing me the cost of the ticket, court costs, I was issued a probation officer which I had to send $20 to every month and check in with every month for a year, and pay for an attend a defensive driving class that had to take place in that specific county, they wouldn't let me take one locally and send the paperwork as proof over. I had sense moved and hour and a half away between the time I received the ticket and the day I had court....if I went 1 years with no other tickets and didn't miss checking in with my probation officer they would drop the ticket off my record like it never existed. 4 months in checking in with the probation officer I called to check in and couldn't get ahold of her just went to a machine. After a week of this I was freaking out as they told me if I ever failed to contact her I'd have a warrant issued for my arrest. I drove the hour and a half to her office which was closed. So I asked around and they tell.me she went on vacation. A week later still calling every day she finally answers and says she got my message like it was no big deal. 1 year later on the dot I was set to have a final hearing in which I was to be released from probation and he done with it all. I take the day off work and drive over to that county to the courthouse, speak to the court clerk who tells me I'm not even on the docket . I showed her my paperwork that showed I had court that day she called around got no answers, so I went up stairs to my probation officers office to talk with her, she acts like I'm.worrried for nothing and tells me that its all done and I don't have court, I have completed everything and am released. I was finally relieved to be done with it all and I left. Now keep in mind this was just a traffic offense, I didn't try to explode the cops or anything, simply pulled over. Fast forward 4 years. I apply at a job that required a special security clearance and through background check to pass to obtain a special license. I have to fill out forms and write down every and I mean every single encounter with law enforcement, even if its a simple speeding ticket or a ticket for a headlights out. I fill that form out to the best of my knowledge. And turn it in. A week later I get a call to come down to the office where I'd applied and the lady seems mad at me for some reason. She tells me that I lied on a federal form and I could go to jail. I was shocked and told her I had included everything which I had, even that traffic ticket. She said no you lied and kept asking if I was going to keep losing or tell her the truth. I said look I have no idea what this is about I put everything on that form. She tells.me I have a criminal.misdamenor on my record. I was like what for,when, and where. Then she names the county. I said the only thing have ever gotten there was a speeding ticket that was supposed to have never even gone on my record but I had even included it on the form and I pointed at it on the form. So she looks into it further, and sure enough there it was, criminal.misdameanor for speeding. She was baffled and so was i. She said she had been doing this job for over 10 years and had never seen something like that ever. Needless to say I never drove through that county ever again. BTW If you read all this I thank you!
  • I bet the kids on the Magic School Bus going 103 miles an hour are terrified for there life. They don't know the Driver installed a Nos Kit and used to be a NASCAR driver . Don't worry children he's professional you'll get to school on time .
  • @jerrypolete5258
    Radar shouldn’t be allowed to be used, it’s a cheap way to take money from hard working citizens. When cops stop breaking the law I will do the same. It don’t seem fair to me when cops drive around running stop signs, speeding, no blinkers, unsafe lane changes etc but yet if a citizen does it they get pulled over and given a ticket. How can anyone go home to their family and look their wife and kids in the eye and tell them they did their job protecting the citizens that day? All they did was take food out of someone’s mouth and clothes off their back. Most cops are pieces of shit. If your a cop and you have no problem breaking the law yourself but pulling someone over that did the same thing you did most likely minutes before they did and give them a ticket you’re a piece of shit my friend. That’s not what being a police officer is all about. Being a police officer is being honest and having dignity, giving out tickets for the same thing you did wrong in your police car is fraud. Cops that are like that should be ashamed of themselves and I’m sure if your family knew they would be ashamed of you as well. Being a cop isn’t about getting as much money from citizens as possible, it’s protecting the community and that’s not how you do that. Taking people money only hurts the community and the economy, that’s exactly why there is so much poverty in our country because of piece of shit cops that work for our overreaching government that wants everyone’s money because of greedy politicians! It’s sucking to be honest and don’t make you feel proud to live in America anymore. America used to be great when we had REAL people running it that actually cared and weren’t greedy.
  • @lennylenz
    Houses have been clocked at 3 mph before.  They must be calibrated regularly.
  • Errors of Photo Radar. How many people know what angular deviation is? The use of Radar to calculate the speed of a vehicle on a highway is quite accurate on a straight line highway, but when a radar beam is place on a vehicle traveling in a curved section of a highway, the reading can be as high as 30 percent off. The province of BC conducted tests in 2008 which showed that a radar gun placed at a 45 degree angle to the speed of a vehicle traveling at 100 km / hour, actually reads 115 to 120 km / hr. I actually participated in one of those tests. Last year I moved from British Columbia to Alberta and I've got a vehicle equipped with a dash cam camera. Last week I experienced traveling in Devon Alberta in a 30 km zone at the speed 35 km/hr, as recorded by the dash cam. I was pulled over and received a ticket from a Town CPO where the officer wrote in the radar speed to be 44 km / hr. An error of 9 km / hr. I traced back the location of where the radar was used at and sure enough the officer was shooting his radar at an angle of 30 to a 60 degree angle. Such a high deviation angle gave the officer a false speed reading. I covered 390 meters in exactly 40 seconds. When you do the math, 390 meters in 40 seconds calculates to exactly what my dash cam indicated, that being 35 km per hour. Because British Columbia has plenty of curved roads, there were 1000's of Radar readings that were way above the actual speed of the vehicle which was traveling within the correct speed limit. Many photo radar operators know about this angle deviation, and will purposely place themselves close to a curved highway area and collect false radar readings so as to increase their earnings and the profits they illegally collect for their local government, an act that robs funds from motor vehicle drivers. This act is better know as a "Cash Cow Profit" for the government that allows it to operate.
  • Isn't it strange that a line of vehicles all following each other at the same sppd, all get different speeds recorded, and not just a little difference, but 20mph and more. Let all us policemen just go out and raise revenue, the politicians need another pay rise.
  • @GreenWenonah
    It's really pretty simple, the RADAR is way off the centerline of the traffic. It is getting a bounce from not only the the front of the target but the round (efficient RADAR reflector) holes in the rims that are traveling about half again the vehicle speed at the top of their rotation. The RADAR is also reflecting off of the flat front of the vehicles into the opposite lane and back essentially adding the speed of the two vehicles together. That is why the RADAR operators are supposed to be within 7 degrees of the direction of travel for the target vehicles, to minimize these known artifacts. That tone you hear is the indication to the officer whether he has a solid, clear RADAR return and is derived directly from the frequencies of the returning beam. If the tone is steady and clear, it indicates a definite single, strong RADAR return while that chattering, variable pitch tone indicates the return is coming from multiple sources at different frequencies. Defending your citation, you have the right of discovery which could include a copy of any dash-cam or body camera footage which could be used to derive your speed visually or to determine the audible indications from the RADAR.
  • cash register beeping fine amounts : $150, $250, $350, oh what the heck $750, $1250, $4000 etc etc
  • @mbirth
    Did nobody notice the false reading were just double the real speed? The SUV was actually going 60.5, the Tractor Trailer 59, Car 59, Tanker Truck 56, Refuse Truck 46.5-47.5, school bus 51.5, Box Truck 55.5-58.5/59.5, SUV 61, Van 55.5-56, Car 53.5, etc.
  • @paulstein2480
    it is called FM capture. two targets reflecting. the frequency modulation can add or subtract the two signals.
  • @dassden9012
    Police once stopped me saying i was going 122mph in a Peugeot 307 2001, i showed them the top speed of a 100mph and they were like oh fuck
  • because of the directional lazer's dimensions and the rate of feedback reads incorrectly when either one of those doesnt read right
  • @Bcr3106
    I wrote a big long comment about how this video is misleading, but then I visited your website... Good information!
  • @NSUScooter
    2 CRAZY times in Virginia I got bogus speeding tickets (pretty long, but detailed): 1- On highway 264 East Bound in Portsmouth from the 664/13/460 exchange. I was in the left lane going 63 in the 55 on cruise control while passing slower traffic on my right. 10 MPH is my threshold for how far I’m willing to speed. Cops don’t usually pull out until you go 10 over i noticed. I see a state trooper on the right shoulder on the other side of the metal guard rail under a overhead highway sign. A gold Ford Expedition decides to tailgate me because they had somewhere more important to be apparently. So I maintain my speed of 63 MPH, put on my turn signal and pass the last slower moving car on the right and get out of the way. We BOTH reach the trooper and the SUV is still going faster than 63. Trooper puts on his lights and he then pulls ME OVER for going 72 in the 55!!! I couldn’t believe it. I had to pay money to make sure my speedometer was calibrated correctly, lost my 1st court case, appealed it, went back and proved my innocence (GO FIGURE) the 2nd time, STILL GOT THE TICKET ON MY DRIVING RECORD, didn’t have to pay the speeding ticket itself but had to pay court costs after missing 2 days of work (2nd one below)