Your First AA Meeting: What to Expect When Going to Alcoholics Anonymous For The First Time

Published 2021-03-12
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What to expect at your first AA meeting.
As a newcomer to Alcoholics Anonymous or any other 12 step fellowship group, it can be very stressful to attend your first meeting.
In this video, I try to simplify what an AA meeting is all about, to help you understand it a bit better, and so you know what you're getting into.

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#alcoholicsanonymous #aameeting
I am not a: medical professional, therapist, counselor.
Do not replace advice from your doctor, therapist, counselor, etc. with my suggestions.

All Comments (21)
  • @obedreyes7737
    Oh man.. I wish I had seen this video. I'm about to go to my 3rd meeting today. 5 days sober. Just found a group 2 days ago... walked in terrified to speak and broke, didnt even know if I had to pay. Felt like I was going to be asked a million questions as to why I'm there... but nope complete opposite, a man just walked up to me and asked if I'm here for the first time to join a meeting, I said yes but I have no money. He said dont worry about it. Just sit down and listen. You dont have to do anything if you dont want to. Just listen to the stories and asked if I wanted coffee or water... i felt so welcome and didnt even feel pressured to come back. They didnt come up to me and tell me, you need this, come everyday, its necessary. They just asked how I was doing and they hope to see me back again. That they've seen it help a ton of people and that I'm welcome anytime.... I went back the very next day... today I think I'm going to stand up and talk... even if it's for 2 mins. Just to say what got me there...
  • Today is my first AA meeting, I'm not scared I'm just sad and emotionaly shaterd from my behavior's from being drunk.
  • @samthorson5302
    Going to my first meeting Monday night, I've waited far too long, but I'm sick of getting drunk
  • @vxCOCOxv
    I had my first last, it was NOTHING like what you hear or see. That’s what always stopped me, the “stigma”... I’m not religious, they don’t care. I’d prefer to be around people who KNOW how hard it is, not people who have no clue. I’m sticking with it.
  • @RedmanActual769
    I remember when I went to AA at 19 years old. I felt that my addiction wasn’t bad. Here I am at nearly 25 and I’m still addicted. I remember my mom telling me at 19 that I wasn’t an alcoholic, and I listened, but being homeless multiple times, pissing away my military career, a close call with DUI and a nice cops who gave a me a chance. I’m just afraid to go back
  • @scottlo8583
    If you're new, WELCOME. Listen to the similarities and not the differences and by all means, KEEP COMING BACK 👍
  • @jcorley45
    I went to my first AA meeting yesterday evening. My anxiety was so bad that I was visibly shaking and I could not control it. I was not planning on speaking, but I decided to. All I basically said was that I was just looking for a support system and vaguely told them about why I was there. After that, everyone there shared some of the reasons why they were there. About halfway through the meeting, I was no longer shaking. All the men there wrote their phone numbers down on a piece of paper for me to reach out to them. Everyone there was very supportive. I will definitely give the program a chance. They also gave me a free copy of the book
  • @markh4926
    Been going to aa meetings for three and half years and as many meetings per week as I can make. For me it is always a very soothing experience knowing we are all alike and there for each other, to keep us sober.
  • @LMCSM
    My dad's always been an alcoholic ever since I was a baby. When he went to AA, he got up the courage to speak and a woman said "Oh you're boring! We don't want to hear them stories" it really knocked his confidence and he never went back 😔 It's nice to see this and know that that's not how AA meetings are supposed to be. That woman should have been kicked out but no one said anything. Because of her, my dad's never got the help he needs to stay sober 😭
  • @PaddyWack999
    Beautifully put. I remember my first meeting over 20 years ago. I was made to feel welcome from the word go and haven't looked back since. AA and the program of recovery saved my life. simple as that.
  • @melelle2867
    I'm going to my first meeting this evening. Thanks for sharing. I've been nervous all day about it. This makes me less anxious a bit.
  • @gabriellef
    Watching this in preparation for my first meeting tomorrow. I’m such a socially awkward person so even this is a big step for me. Thank you so much for your guidance video!
  • @pattyengler2569
    Wonderful video. Thank you for making it. I hope every person out there who is nervous to take this first step in recovery can find this video.
  • @bustedugly321
    I have my first meeting Wednesday. 23 years old. Posting this so I have something to come back to to remind me why I started, my future children. I wanna be a better father and guardian than what I saw growing up. There’s an old quote that is helping me through how terrified I am: “courage isn’t the absence of fear, it’s being afraid and then going forward anyways” or something like that. God please help me keep my courage.
  • @snakebbite
    damm this is such a good video. i've been considering going for a long time but always just put it off. this video is very comforting and is really well done. can't believe you don't have more subscribers or views. thank you for this🖤
  • @clover309
    Im attending my first meeting tonight. This helped put me a bit at ease. Thank you
  • @Coontowner78
    I've had one day sober from beer. My mother said it is time ta quit drinking alcohol. I'm 4/20 friendly and it's helped me tremendously than alcohol. I feel calmer when I smoke weed. I pray for current alcoholics who are struggling. Thank GOD for sobriety!!!
  • AA Changed my LIFE!!!! PERIOD!!! 27 Years Sober Still going to meetings