The Philosophies of The Akatsuki (Naruto)

Published 2022-12-08
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Red cloud time.



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Naruto Databook

Akautski Themes

#naruto #akatsuki #anime

All Comments (21)
  • @SagesRain
    who’s your favourite akatsuki member?
  • I liked when Pain attacked the Leaf, everyone in the Leaf was looking at Pain like, "Why are you attacking us? We never did anything to you." And Pain was like, "This is for my parents and Yahiko."
  • Dont get me wrong the majority of the current iteration of the Akatsuki are (for lack of a better word) vile. But i always loved how (not counting Orochimaru) they all had this "honor among thieves" mentality to them. They never really betrayed the akatsuki even when it was in their best interest and even among certain pairings they seemed to (in a sense) cared or have respect for each other. All of them despite being mass murders, traitors, scum etc. They present more of a code of "honor" with each other, than most villages have done for their people.
  • @Monica..
    Sasori's ending pretty much became what he wanted. A puppet to be recreated over and over from his disciple Kankuro, he will also teach the next generation of puppet masters about Sasori's techniques, this means Sasori left a huge impact on the village.
  • And this is why I love Obito being Tobi in the Akatsuki. Being a representation of how two face the ninja world is. Tobi being what the young child ninja think the world is. And Obito being the results of what the ninja world does to those kids.
  • @haruokumura4271
    It's a utterly minor and ultimately inconsequential scene, but a moment that has always stuck in my head is when Kakuzu reveals he picked up Hidan's ninja headband and hands it back to him, telling Hidan that his neck scar was an eyesore and to cover it if I recall correctly. Then Hidan basically nudges him on the shoulder and goes "Ah, you DO care :3" I just really like that scene, maybe in part because it was such a minor and inconsequential scene. These are two of the most vile characters in the series yet in that little exchange it was just an oddly pleasant moment between two odd couple partners.
  • @michaeld4861
    Deidara's art is the literal version of real art. A metaphor. Real art is incendiary, sparks revolution of thought and progress.
  • Funny how the Hidden Cloud Village has never affiliated with the Akatsuki, but the Akatsuki's brand are the red clouds.
  • Obito: No one betrays the Akatsuki and gets away with it. Orochimaru: Hiss
  • @BlickolasCage
    I remember when Naruto tried to use talk-no jutsu on Pain saying how it isn't fair to disrupt all the innocent lives of the leaf and Pain asked about the absence of that sentiment when war ravaged his home "Shinra Tensei"
  • THANK YOU for describing Itachi's actions as "what he felt was right"rather than describing them as "the right thing"
  • What I loved so much about the Akutsuki, the way Kishimoto wrote them originally, is that they meant business, and for the most part, they were inconsolable and ruthless, but the scariest part about them is that they acted with purpose. They weren't just a ragtag collection of powerful rogue ninjas who were out for personal gain, they were serving something higher than themselves.
  • I’m not sure that Kisame ever changed. He was a man who realized somebody had to do the dirty work. Somebody had to safeguard information for the greater good, at the expense of individual people. Being that this was a moral good in his eyes, he was vicious and morbidly proud of his record. He believed in this code so deeply and truly, that he let his sharks cannibalize even himself to not let intel fall into the wrong hands. That’s Kisame to me: a true shinobi who followed his twisted code to the last.
  • @pelzebub6664
    I think this also illustrates why Narutos Ending and by extension Boruto fall flatt in certain areas. The hidden villages were run on conflict, they even killed each other at times, but now these conflicts no longer exist and there just are no issues because of it? All the money that was made through the war, no longer supports the villages and no problems arise from that? I don't think that issue is ever really adressed and it just makes this very complicated problem of a system that is kept alive by blood seem so easy to dismantle. "Just stop fighting each other lol" shouldn't be the entire answer.
  • @piyoweb
    I love these complex much different from any Boruto's arc. Now, it just feels like every threat just keep upping the stakes. Always the same threat of destroying the entire village, world etc..... Back then, these frightening villains all have different goals, methods, motives etc. It reminded me why I loved this series back then.
  • One of the best groups in all of anime. Every character is S tier. Legendary.
  • @princet4468
    I like how he played each member of the Akatsuki individual theme songs while describing their philosophy.
  • Remember when Itachi and Kisame fought Asuma and Kurenai? Yeah. They were holding back a ton of strength.
  • @donjoel6754
    What I love about the Naruto series is that its steeped heavily in philosophies. There is something for everyone in their. As the other anime also have philosophies but are more action heavy than their counterparts. Thanks @Sage'sRain for another great video.