I'm SUPER bored ._.

Published 2022-01-29
death by glamour by Toby Fox

I know I know I need to work on my mettaton but it's the weekend I'm bored and I am too busy with my drawings to make videos haha
I miss making videos

very very soon I will upload a video of say a bunch of things as mettaton or say a bunch of things as Muffet

so far the voting has gone to mettaton

oh oh you don't know about the voting sorry not sorry hahaha
Tails (a subscriber of mine/pal) rolled a dice and it landed for mettaton

so yeah

All Comments (6)
  • I know I need to work on my mettaton but I am super bored I am tired and I want to see what y'all think of my mettaton
  • @Dj-DeadBeatz
    Hey could you voice Megatron for a comic I'm making?
  • @brucex2466
    Very nice video!!! You need to research P R O M O S M!!!