Tim Minchin on his writing, rejection, and mental health - The Newsnight interview

Published 2023-06-07
Composer, writer, actor, lyricist and comedian Tim Minchin was back in London for his musical Groundhog Day, which has opened at the Old Vic Theatre.

It's based on the 1993 film which starred Bill Murray. Newsnight’s Victoria Derbyshire met Tim Minchin and discussed his writing, rejection, and mental health.

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All Comments (21)
  • @SeasonsChange14
    Tim may be the least well-known person to have millions of dedicated, passionate followers. You either adore Tim or you've never heard of him. if you fall into the second group, you are missing out on a remarkable experience. Tim is a "polymath," meaning that he is good at many things. He is a playwright, a writer of television shows, a comedian, a singer, a brilliant pianist, a thoughtful and articulate atheist, an excellent actor, and a highly intelligent individual. He is a compassionate human being who believes in community service. He loves and is faithful to his wife. He adores his children, including one child on the autism spectrum. He doesn't smoke or do drugs but he does curse and he loves wine. He is one of a kind
  • What an incredible man. He finds a way to verbalise things that most of us can never find the words for and talented to boot
  • @thekingofinsane
    I didn't realise that he has completely given up comedy. That's really sad. But I could listen to him just talk forever. He truly is a word-smith.
  • I love how he seems just the same in this interview as he comes off in his songs. Smart and full of empathy and compassion. Love his songs and performances. Amazing, talented man.
  • @corruptbytes
    This man defined my teenage experience, constantly living to his music...about 10+ years ago now
  • @seanashmore8785
    A very difficult interview to listen to because you can almost feel his pain. A wonderful man.
  • @PianoDiary85
    Wow... there are not enough people on here who have witnessed the brilliance of Tim Minchin.
  • @Chishannicon
    I wish I could let Tim know that I went into Groundhog Day convinced that I would hate it (only went because I got a free ticket from a crew member), and came out of it with an appreciation that quickly turned into love upon subsequent viewings. Saw it four times on Broadway, and I wish I could have gone back at least one more time before it closed...
  • I met him after a comedy show that he did in 2008/09 in Canterbury. Wonderful guy. Signed all the merchandise that I bought without me asking. xx
  • @alexdavis5766
    The song Hope in Ground Hog Day struck such a chord with me (as do so many Tim Minchin songs) in when I was severely depressed and suicidal (years later I am in a much happier and brighter place) with Phil standing there singing about hope whilst trying to end his life and how all the - kind of failed in that he was back to life the next day- suicides were the opposite to what he’s singing about on never giving up hope. To me it made me remember when I would have well meaning people telling me to not give up hope, when I had no hope left to keep and not give up. That telling someone who is suicidal not to give up is probably one of the worst and annoying things you can tell them. Another song of Tim’s that the lyrics resonated with me was Quiet from Matilda. Both as a woman with autism but also one who suddenly went deaf as an adult the lyrics work for me both ways. Both in people being hard to understand sometimes and my brain working differently but also the people who shout at me thinking it will help me ‘hear them’ when to me they’re just quiet and making it harder to lip read. Finally a none musical song of his that really hit home was Perfect, specifically the body verse. I hated my body for years and blamed it for failing me in both me being unable to stand or walk and be chronically ill but also becoming deaf too. Those lyrics made me see and remind me often that my body is still there keeping me alive and doing a good job. I love the song so much I’m about to get a tattoo of some of the lyrics. Tim’s ways with words are just amazing, even in BSL they are beautiful and so poetic. Plus the has songs for every feeling and emotion. I wish I had even half his brains in the way with words he has. He also gives amazing hugs!
  • @Earthsuitlife
    I honestly couldnt love him more. He is so authentic.
  • He's always so genuine as a person. On top of being oh so talented! I just love him, all the way from Brazil!
  • @sailflyboy
    An amazingly and refreshingly articulate fellow. Grasps slippery concepts by their pointy ends and wrestles them into comprehension.
  • @fitzofpassion
    I wish Tim knew how well loved he is amongst his fans, and let the others rot.
  • @andrecoxa
    Tim used to say he was not a lefty or a rightist. It felt to me he took pride in that, which IMHO is indeed something to be quite proud of, specially in this day and age. That, to me, was highlighted in his work of art The Fence. But alas, here we are and he felt like he had to the take the Eggshells Road. Such a huge loss for all of us.
  • @CPegRun
    Mr. Tim Minchin is way beyond comedy, although I'm not putting down comedy as an art form!!! It's very much needed!!! Tim Minchin, to me, personally, is a human who's able to make me cry in happiness, sorrow and anger!! He is a treasure for the whole world!! I absolutely love his brilliant role in this life!!!
  • @jessicarowley9631
    At the end of this interview, when you discuss cancel culture i could have cried. Tim Minchin's deconstruction of it was btilliant, but also kind