Zoetrope - 3D Gifs!

Published 2021-06-25

All Comments (21)
  • I think that there are two ways that could add even more frames and make them look good: 1. Multi-color lights. Frame that was blue in previous rotation can be green in current rotation and red in the next one. 2. If we use the multi-color lights then we could also use 3D effect by correctly painting each frame. If one part of the frame is green then it won't be visible in the green light. Same for red and blue. This way our colorful frames would now also change shape making it look more like a different frame.
  • @Dskrib
    there's something more satisfying about the movement of this style than stop motion.
  • @ententeak
    If i understand correctly, you use your steppermotor for counting the angle to turn the light on. Why not use a DC motor and a switch activated by the "petals" you use as bases for each frame. If you do that, you can make any frames you wish for any speed without counting angles/times for each variant.....
  • @earljtharp
    I wonder if you could make a zoetrope that would display the time. Maybe change the speed of the strobe over time and maybe have multiple layers of characters.
  • @madzen112
    You know, a 3D printer and some gifs and you can make some pretty awesome stuff with this. I mean, not just dirty stuff, but like Donald Trump getting pooped on by a seagull or a guy burning his crocs or something like that & then give it a spin when the world's just a teeny weeny bit too much
  • @Srt3D01-db-01
    Also, you could use high power leds for this. These are readily available compared to 10years ago... Luxeon , osram etc. One can get easily 5watt, 10 or more watt led compared to the typical les strips
  • @deviantconcepts
    Hey, really Brilliant work! Simply amazing 3D animation design! Bruh, how do i zoetrope? Im onto making one & and landed here while researching for it. Will be great help if you can help me out with few bits of info. 1) Whats the total wattage of the LED panel you used there? 2) Why use a L298N board Vs a more common L293D with a shield? Is it better for long continuous operation? Will it be possible for you to share the schematic of the electronics for the strobe? Thanks in advance.
  • @madzen112
    'It's not a political cartoon, it's actually a Zoetrope'
  • I love this idea and would like to make one, so can you break it down so a dummy like me can do this, such as speed and what each character should look like
  • @protoborg
    Does the effect only work with a camera or can you see it with the unaided eye?
  • @drdca8263
    Sorry, what’s the relationship between 46 and 20? If it was 45 and 20, I would think “oh, well, there is just 2 + (1/4) of the character in each frame on average”, but like, when you say 46, that seems, confusing? Why 46? 2 + (6/20) ? I guess that would mean that on 6 of the 20 frames, you have 3 copies of the character, and on the other 14, you only have 2 copies? Huh.
  • @SmashPortal
    How difficult would it be to add an inner ring that moves at a different rate and has a different number of frame, which would offset it from the other ring?
  • @barutaji
    The lights are necessary in order to give the impression of animation on a live model, but is it necessary on camera? Since the camera has a fixed framerate sample
  • @tymz-r-achangin
    Undoubtedly fascinating to watch and learn how it works. Seems very well displayed and explained. Easily got my thumbs up!
  • @JonBck
    I would understand 40, as that's 20*2. But how can you use 46?