GUIDED MEDITATION: Inner Child Healing | Soul Forgiveness | LET GO of Anger, Bitterness & Sadness

Published 2019-04-10
GUIDED MEDITATION: Inner Child Healing - Soul Forgiveness - LET GO of Anger, Bitterness & Sadness - 528Hz Music with Theta binaural beats.

Welcome to this deeply healing and insightful journey of Forgiveness on Soul level; releasing of karmic negative energy and reoccurring relationship patterns. Let go of old bitterness, resentment, anger, shame, guilt and sadness from past experiences. Unconsciously, we hold these low vibrational emotions inside our body and energy field, and they affect our life quality and life energy. It´s time to expand your heart, mind, and consciousness to a new level. It´s time to heal deeply. You deserve to be free.

This meditation was created under Divine Inspiration and Guidance from Universal Wisdom and Love.








We are forever grateful to everyone that supports us just by tuning in to our channel, and for all you who buy our meditations, solfeggios and music! You make it POSSIBLE for us to continue our life purpose! From our hearts we Thank You!














We are very proud of our hard work and commitment to creating HIGH quality Guided Meditations, Affirmation audios, Hypnosis sessions, Solfeggios and Relaxing Music. We put our Heart and Soul into every video we create with the intention to create something valuable for YOU, so that you can walk the path of life feeling much more positive, conscious and empowered.

Our a grand mission and life-purpose to raise the energy vibration of our planet and to make this world a more Loving - Peaceful and Joyful place for ALL life. To help and inspire YOU and the other millions of people listening to our audios to awaken to that awesome POWER we have within us. Prepare to open up the gates and let the pure lifeforce from YOUR HIGHER SELF flow through you NOW. Enjoy your journey.

For Your Freedom, Love & Joy,
Kenneth & Alexander - PTMC



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All Comments (21)
  • Dear Magnificent Being. You are deeply appreciated. Thank you for being here. This guided meditation was created under Divine Inspiration and Guidance from Universal Wisdom and Love. If you are ready to go on a DEEP and POWERFUL journey of healing and transformation; then this meditation will serve this purpose and give you exactly what you need in this present moment. Sharing some words of clarity on forgiveness: Forgiveness…A word that has a different meaning for different people. On an energetic level, it releases us from low vibrational energy from the past. Guilt, bitterness, regret, sorrow, resentment, hate, anger, revenge – Like Louise Hay says it “each one of these states comes from a space of unforgiveness, a refusal to let go and come into the present moment”. These emotions are all energies that are keeping us stuck as we subconsciously re-live our past every minute of every day. To forgive means to release us from the past and let the learning from the events unfold. FORGIVENESS IS NOT JUSTIFYING WHAT HAPPENED To forgive doesn´t mean that what happened was ok. It doesn´t justify anything. It doesn´t mean that you will do the same “mistake” again. In no shape or form is resenting the past protecting you now. It doesn´t mean that you need to “like” the persons involved. And it certainly doesn´t mean that the persons involved are getting away with it. The latter is a strong one for many. I´ve done therapy with a lot of people, and the resistance to letting go of the past often comes from the idea that “if I forgive or let go of this, then he/she will get away with it.” It comes from a need to punish the other person, but in reality, it is self-punishment. Cruelty to oneself. In most cases, the people that are being resented don´t even know this. To forgive isn´t about the other person or situation. It is about you. "To hold on to these emotions is like injecting poison every day and expecting the other person/persons to die." So let´s say you continue to hold on. What will the consequence of this be 10 years from now? 20 years from now? What is really the point? Our hearts are yearning to be free, but in our head, we justify why we have a reason to continue walking upwards a hill with a backpack filled with 200 pounds of stones from the past. SELF-FORGIVENESS IS THE PROBABLY THE BIGGEST ISSUE We all do our best with the resources we have available at the moment. It is easy to look back and think “I should have done this. Or I shouldn't have done that.” Maybe, maybe not. Either way, it is over. That moment has passed. Re-living it doesn´t change it. It´s like throwing gasoline into a fire. Imagine holding the 3-year-old you on your lap…Looking him/her into the eye…and tell that little you how much you resent them… That is not a good feeling, is it? To resent oneself for things that have happened is like resenting our inner child, and even our future selves. Our subconscious mind doesn´t know the difference between the future or past. It just reacts on emotions and their vibration, everything is NOW. You have done your best. Could we have done better? Yes maybe. But so what!? You did what you did. Now it´s too late. You can do better now because now you can do something about. In 15 minutes from now, we are 15 minutes closer to our death. Are we just going to waste it or are we going to move on? The choice is only yours. THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON TO FORGIVE Yourself. Period. FROM SOUL PERSPECTIVE From a soul perspective – life is learning. That means that behind every experience no matter how “cruel or unfair” it is an experience, and every experience we can grow from or we can wither. Our choice. Our physical experience is made up of dualities. Up and down. Warm and cold. Light and dark, and so on. That must mean that behind every negative experience there is a positive side to it. What is the learning behind our “negative” experiences? I ask this with the deepest respect, because I know how “hard” some experiences are, and people really have gone through some awful things in life. Still, from a soul perspective…when we cross to the other side reviewing our life with our spiritual guides and loved ones, there is no judgment. There is only love, compassion, and learning. To forgive releases the Love & Wisdom that has been trapped in the prison of unforgiveness. I want to recommend the beautiful and powerful book Your Souls Plan by author Robert Schwartz. This is the best book I have ever read on the subject “how and why we choose our lives and some key experiences”. I DON´T KNOW HOW TO FORGIVE AND LET GO I understand that. Luckily for us all, there are many tools available These tools, resources, and techniques work, but only by using them. Like this video right here. I warmly suggest you check out Louise Hay and her brilliant work on forgiveness. When you do this guided meditation; Read that book; Take action towards inner peace and freedom; you will be led and guided to the next steps in the process of forgiveness. Personally, I believe it will begin let go as soon as we have made a 100% decision to let go. I know it´s not always easy, but it is ALWAYS POSSIBLE. Give yourself time to go through this process. It may take days, weeks, months, and sometimes it happens instantly. If you feel now that my words are speaking to you; do this guided meditation 3 - 4 times per week or more for 4 weeks. It will help you massively in the process. We are in this together. You and I. Step by step. I BELIEVE in you. I see the LIGHT in you. With Loving Kindness, Kenneth Soares
  • @Kittiecat414
    You know that feeling when your emotions are so strong that your heart physically hurts
  • @johnrooy5621
    With every breath, the old moment is lost; a new moment arrives. We exhale and we let go of the old moment. It is lost to us. In doing so, we let go of the person we used to be. We inhale and breathe in the moment that is becoming. In doing so, we welcome the person we are becoming. We repeat the process. This is meditation. This is renewal. This is life.
  • @caristee4184
    Somehow I kept imagining things before I was told to. My subconscious was one step ahead the whole time. This was very powerful. I cried and by the end of it I felt so light and like my posture had immediately improved. I will definitely be revisiting this meditation. Thank you so much. ❤🙏
  • @dakotalewis1274
    Cried the whole time but when my inner child said “thank you for loving me the way that I love you” I started bawling. A truly healing experience. I’ll be coming back to this often
  • This was one of the most intense, healing, loving experiences i ever had doing meditation. Thank you for all your dedication to everyone that comes here looking for peace. Love from Portugal!
  • My higher self brought me to this meditation. I just did inner child work today with my therapist and it brought up a lot of old trauma and shame. While in therapy we did a 3 minute visual where I asked my inner child what I needed to do to heal her, she told me, "Protect me and heal so no ones ever hurts us again." Then I stumbled upon this. Very powerful, I cried tears of forgiveness for myself and all the people who have hurt me. I know love my enemies and am grateful for every thing I've gone through.
  • @PranavMaru
    " To forgive does not mean what happened was OK coz it wasn't... Neither does it mean that the other person will get away with it... " This hit me so hard... It felt like finding the answer to a question which I have been searching since so long... You're right... This is god's own voice that I heard... Touched....❤️
  • @mahamusmar3036
    So I just came across this meditation...I have been beating myself up constantly for mistakes i have done or things i could have done better or said better..etc. my mind is always a challenge for me. Everyday. This meditation really connected with my soul. My body felt so light while meditating... heat around my hands... instant posture fix... I actually never sat up so straight before so I'm amazed lol. My eyes were moving alot when I felt emotional... I dont know how to describe it... but I would see the images clearly. I saw my 3 year old self clearly... little blue dress... bob haircut cause my dad would cut my hair like that till 12 😅... She just wants me to forgive.. to not waste no more time. She wants me to live, she needs me to or I will stay stuck in this cycle forever. I want to live a life where I forgive myself with ease... a happy grateful life... I just want to live. This meditation helped me so much...I'm so grateful for you beautiful soul thank you so much for connecting with me and sharing such beautiful content. Bless your soul. Namaste 🙏
  • Kenneth, you are an earth Angel. I am thankful for you and what you are giving to the world and all of us.
  • @shehnaaz5712
    Wow...Thank many people to forgive, a father who abandoned me, absent mother, sad and traumatic husband.. who I never thought I could ever forgive... then seeing them all as innocent children, I wanted to hug them all....And when my inner child thanked me for doing it... wow... A very powerful experience.. Thank you, for bringing healing
  • The most powerful meditation I ever experienced. I cried, it was intense, and I can't stop thinking about my experience even as days passed.
  • @sarasimm6668
    When all the 3 year olds joined me, I laughed! The room was full! I don't even know who they all are. Then I released some tears of pain when I saw my Mum. I guess I can picture her from photos of her that age. I will be revisiting this again soon. Thank you.
  • Thank you so much!!! Omg she was heart broken. She was timid, quiet, didn’t want to talk because no one believed her. She stopped crying!!!!! She is happy. I am whole. Thank you for your guidance, it was so beautiful. Love and light x
  • @Pravduh
    Holy Moly, this was very powerful! During the meditation I realized that my inner child had been calling for healing for a long time. Thank you for creating this extraordinary meditation.
  • Thank you for this opportunity to see my inner child and to hug her. I truly appreciate your guidance, You are too magnificent, as all God's children are. Thank you all for the love
  • Thank you and to my ancestors and spirit guides for guiding me to this meditation. 🙏🏾💛💜🦋
  • I cried a lot during this meditation, I still am lol. Thank you and bless you all💗
  • @shygur1982
    This was very powerful for me. I cried when I embraced and spike to my inner child. I have always heard of healing your inner child but I wasn't expecting it to be so impactfull. I will have to return to this one. I was able to let go and forgive many of the people I saw but two of them stayed. One child's chain broke but she didn't leave with the others. And the other's chain wouldn't dissolve, despite me trying to push it to. I want to forgive but I think I'll need to do a bit more healing elsewhere before I'll be able to return and forgive these two fully. Thank you!