You are about to beat the enemies brains out. You are right there at the verge of your breakthrough

Published 2024-05-09
This message was meant to find YOU. it's not an accident or coincidence that you are seeing this. The Lord wants to encourage you. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength offer up that sacrifice of praise, guys he called it a sacrifice because he knew EXACTLY what YOU wld be facing right now but YOU are doing so much better than you think and he laid this on my heart to remind you and to encourage you to hang on and to keep going. HALLELUJAH all Glory to the Lord the King of Kings, the most HIGH the one who NEVER loses a battle or leaves or forsakes his children. Sowing a seed of encouragement when you need encouragement will cause us to reap just what we need & everything in the kingdom is MULTIPLIED Hallelujah. Let that living water flow bc someone does truly need to hear exactly what the Lord put on your heart today, pray and ask him what he wants you to speak and who to speak it to. Refuse to allow the enemy to stagnate what the Lord has put in you. I know the Lord called me to be an evangelist and I know that I am a seer in the kingdom of God who gets words of knowledge for people & it has been a struggle to step out snd to speak in the open but God has caused me to prevail over the enemy who wants me to keep quiet. Sometimes it's a battle to get these msgs to you but that's when I KNOW someone needs to hear them & they matter the most. to the one who feels like a straw will break you I want you to know the Lord sees you and he's with you right where you are. he knows exactly what's going on and he can see around the corner what you do. He has never lost fam and he WILL NOT FAIL YOU RN. it may be tough but you are a warrior - & I promise everything you have been through will be so worth it when you look back JUST BREATH & CALL ON HIS NAME. make a pact with yourself and God that no matter what your gonna get the word in you one way or another. visualize the scales and how when you drop a rock on one side of a set of scales the arm will cause the other side to quickly elevate. that's what is happening so no matter how rough it has been just know that I'm telling you the truth. that will only cause the LORDS side to be that much bigger, your blessing , your freedom, your help & wealth in the Lord is that much bigger than your problems and he will TRULY cause it to come to pass. This too shall pass and you will be paid bank for what you have been through not because of who you are necessarily but because of who HE IS praise Jesus. I love you and The LORD loves you so much. we are getting through this together & will be united and your help is coming. HALLELUJAH This has been a STRONG word, a STRONG revelation and there was a fight to get this word out so just know it is coming. (sorry for the small book, I just love u and want you to know what he said to me about you)
#breakthrough #JesusChrist #chosen #GlorytoGod #Yourstrongerthanyoufeel & #Yourfightingawinningbattle #walkbyfaith #notbysight

All Comments (14)
  • Thank you! I resonate with this. I prayed for you, your kids and situation 🙏
  • @lexi45735
    Happy memorial day auntie! I'm thankful for you and those of your family that have served and are serving in the war
  • @godfreysee9738
    Wow every word is so beautifully placed god bless amen in Jesus name amen 🙏
  • @lexi45735
    Hi auntie! Thank you for always being there. I love you with all my heart
  • @jennifer65556
    I just had to comment on this after I watched this video. Tiffany, thank you so much for sharing this word that God put on your heart to speak. I am really so amazed at how much you've grown in the LORD. I can see how deep your roots are in Him and I'm excited to see them grow even deeper. It really doesn't seem that long ago when I saw you at Cross Connection church and I'm wishing you all the best. Praying right now for you. Keep the faith strong! -Jen
  • @Abby35854
    Hi Tiffany, this is Jerimiah and Lexi's mama. Thank you so much for being a wonderful YouTube aunt to my babies. They just lost their aunt so you came into their lives at the perfect time. How old are your kids? There's another baby that needs prayers. Lexi's friend Misty is 11 and she gets bullied too because she's in a wheelchair. I've been another mama for her too trying to help her.
  • @lexi45735
    Hi auntie! Can you please do another live on here? Me and Jerimiah arent allowed on TikTok
  • @Jerimiah3575
    Hi miss tiffy. Im Jerimiah. Im lexis 12 year old brother. Can you be my auntie too?