South Africa: Ramaphosa's Cabinet Talks Collapse Amid Rift With DA | Firstpost Africa

Published 2024-06-28
South Africa: Ramaphosa's Cabinet Talks Collapse Amid Rift With DA | Firstpost Africa

Days after forming an unusual Government of National Unity in South Africa, cracks are now in the open among the main coalition partners- the African National Congress and the Democratic Alliance (DA). The rivals-turned-partners are at loggerheads over cabinet ranks, and as per reports, the deal with them is all but over. Talks on cabinet formation are stalled amid a lack of consensus. Over DA's demands for more ministerial posts, South African President and ANC Chief Cyril Ramaphosa accused the party of shifting the "goalposts" and trying to create a "parallel government" in breach of the constitution.


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All Comments (21)
  • Most of these political analysts are failing to hide their standing and you can easily tell that they are ANC.
  • @filgatecolin
    I'm sorry this reporter is trying to keep racism alive with her remarks over the Da being white, maybe have a look and see how many different people of colour actually voted for the DA.
  • @anilenk2103
    Tha anc is not honest! They should not take all the small parties on and then force the DA to take less ministers! I don’t trust Ramaphosa at all!!
  • No party had outright majority to form a government, therefore negotiatìons are key to finding a solution.
  • What rubbish, DA,what 10 posts,out of 30, see if they can improve and pass on a cleaner government. No power grab.
  • I am from South Africa,this analyst is obviously an ANC member.She tell how much DA wants it all, but says nothing about how ANC wants it all though they are not outright majority!
  • @fotohpaul2080
    If ANC has not been able to deliver for 30 years. Why is it holding to posts that it had held and done nothing to improve lives? ANC is 40% and hence its participation should be 40%. Why should ANC be the ones to "give" to others instead of putting in place a formula that attributes posts based on their performance at the elections?
  • Your political commentator Ayanda is clearly an ANC supporter. Her views are not balanced. Neither are they objective. 🚮🚮🚮
  • @jacoloots8694
    Personal view - the ANC cant afford outside parties to see the shit show they ran... So they have to offer less than what is fair and offer positions that does not matter. If the truth comes out about their wholesale looting, all hell will break loose.
  • @hondo1119
    No one get more than 50+1 so it's equal they have to share ministral position
  • No power grab. Only wanting to keep an eye over Corruption and to build South Africa. It is going to be hard not easy.😢
  • This is GNU only between Ramaphosa not ANC and DA, but soon Ramaphosa will sucked by his party
  • In the cape stuff works! Power to the people that wants change
  • @mobusoil
    Shalki needs to rest people. She's been at work since 0 subscribers.