Leon Jacob Penalty Phase Part 1 Leslie Jacob Testifies

Published 2018-03-26
Leon Jacob Penalty Phase Part 1 Leslie Jacob Testifies

All Comments (21)
  • @aportman58
    I want to meet this prosecuting attorney...she is absolutely awesome listing to and observing how she maneuvers and navigates so solidly and securely cross examining witnesses!!! She is fabulous!!!
  • He wasn’t even a real Doctor, never made it. What a loser!! Somebody in there will find him pretty, Bubba!!!
  • @camopug
    Thank God justice was served to Megan, Annie, and Valerie. Hopefully this monster never sees the light of day again. No parole.
  • OMG!!! I can't do this anymore! This defense lawyer is missing brain cells! All his questions are useless and make no sense. Lots of repeating what the prosecution asked. I have found myself skipping through his questions. Time to retire this one!! I'd say Leon's family has pretty much helped send him away!! Strong prosecution...should get the max!! Egotistical freaking monster!! Bye bye Leon!!!!
  • @lucanolallo1776
    He’s not a very good sociopath. That prosecutor took him right down! Nice !
  • @MissesCakes
    Come on Elmer Fudd. Jail call questions..is that the best you got?!

    Painful to watch Meghan revictimized. .
  • @aportman58
    Leon was an out of control dangerous man that NO women should ever have to tolerate!!!
  • @tinarossie7443
    Paging Dr. Leon--Paging Dr. Leon--Please report to Dr. Bendover's Office Immediatley.
  • @vickielewis579
    Parents can really screw up their children and Leon Jacob is a perfect example of that.
  • @anniemars
    I love this girl, McKenzie. My God - what she went through.
  • @jenweller112
    Leon and arias would make a great couple. They could take turns stalking each other.
  • @jenmdawg
    "I've put two people in the hospital since I've been in here... I am fighting for my life". LJ is the very definition of incorrigible.
  • @MsRhondaRandy
    This Leon guy is killing me sitting up here like he's some damn high profile lawyer when really he's just a common THUG just like the guys he looks down on when they go to jail! Arrogance at it's worse!
  • @frky4fshn
    Man this has got to be the old man's final hoorah. Absolutely awful the way he questioned Meghan at the penalty phase. It was quite disturbing when he asked her if it was appropriate for Leon to contact her mother so he can find her and hurt her? WTF! The look on her face was complete astonishment.
  • Hey commenters, the bad lawyering we see here is actually the legendary defense lawyer, George Parnham. He tried to drop his client (Leon Jacob) due to prior conflicts with Jacob and his mother. Parnham was the famous attorney who represented Andrea Yates, the depressed mom who drowned her 5 kids in the tub. Parnum is now 80 years old and may have dementia, OR ... he’s helping set up an appeal for Jacob for failure to represent him professionally and adequately in court. Take your pick.
  • @vickielewis579
    McKenzie handled herself well on the stand considering her age. Well done, young lady.
  • @polly6336
    Normal people just break up and move on. He is a perfect example of a malignant narcissist. Zero insight, zero remorse, the list goes on and on. Shame he is/ was, superficially only, a good catch.
  • @karenpayne2583
    Having been in a DV/stalking relationship many years ago, I cannot imagine having my face covered in duct tape even in a controlled situation. I’m so impressed with her calm demeanor in trying to get this guy convicted and put away. I’ll bet he has a sweetheart scam going on from prison.
  • OH MY GOD! the defense lawyers are even worse than Elaine Bredehoft and Rotten-born.
    And the prosecutor is sharp as a razor - like Camille Vasquez.