I Hate New Crew Training do You?

Published 2024-07-26

All Comments (21)
  • In that first clip, if you do the math on view range. If the Hellcat is using Brothers in Arms, Concealment, Tank Camo, Field modification for concealment after firing, and food he is 11.1% camo. For the Pz. III to not spot him, it means he isn't using binoculars, and does not have brothers in arms and spotting skills. If he did, he would have been spotted.
  • I hate the new crew system change, and WG's reasoning for why the system needed to be changed is ridiculous. They had a system that was good, and easy to understand. Another thing that infuriates me is that if you have a tank, get the next tier and move the trained crew, you can't recruit a new 0 skill 100% trained crew member for the old tank to backfill. So now moving the well-trained crew up to the next tier leaves the lower tier tank without a crew, and without a way to get one without spending gold. UUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHH!
  • @IanHenry-vb4nr
    As always Claus, thank you for the no BS commentary, Keep them coming,
  • Now we know why turtles stop in the middle of the road, they're waiting for Claus to carry them the rest of the way!:face-blue-smiling:
  • @RickSabins
    WG is ALWAYS fixing things that are not broken, MM and RNG is what needs fixing and they know it. Crew change was not needed and opposite of what they say and made it more complicated not simpler.
  • @GrinnenBaeritt
    The new crew skills system gives with one hand, as well as takes away with the other. For instance, EVERYBODY can get free crew. however, players have to pay when they change their crews into TECH-TREE vehicles AND retain their previous skills. (It doesn't stop them into putting them into Premium vehicles and seal-clubing in lower tiers though...). You also now can't use crew members in different vehicles classes at all with paying to do so... so no training your arty crews in lower tier premiums anymore.... i.e Only the french and British have premium arty to train their crews in.... The great issue in this game is the way that the MM ignores the disparity of XP value of the crews used, and the value of GOLD/equipment carried by players. Even if both sides have the exactly the SAME vehicles, one side might have players that all have 5 skill crews and fully equipped, whilst the other all have 0 perk crews and no equipment, and the MM still considered that "Fair".... .
  • @Adirondack_DFL
    This spring my daughter stopped to help a painted turtle cross the road. She picked it up and showed her 5 year old son, then put it safely on the other side of the road. They get going again and the grandson says, "Mom, you're like a real live super-hero!"
  • @robertflint4115
    Kellerman scaring the hell out of me this morning. He made me think crew 2.0 took effect. And that is scary like waking up Saturday morning not recognizing the room or the woman laying next to you. And in today’s Fruitloop world you’re hoping it’s a real woman. 😱. Anyhow, great game and rock on Tankers 🤘😎
  • @flukeman022
    Anyone noticed in the past you can look at the stats and decide if you want your new setup before committed to spending gold to change your equipment. Now you have to spend gold to know what the new stats are, i know there websites you can use for this but that's besides the point.
  • @needaman66
    The crew retraining now is a total rip odd money grab. I had a few tanks sharing crews and retrained one crew. Now i have to start new crews from scratch if i dont wamt to post all that grinding. I hate wg.
  • @todun83
    I love the “Replays of the Absurd”
  • I use the game modes like frontline and onslaught to train my 60% crews. I put them in premium tanks, it takes only a few games to get them to 100%.
  • @Oldguard_8
    The rapidly changing system has driven many active WOT players out. Its cool to have a variety of ways to graduallyget a a minor change in your tank, but crazy crew training, pay-to-win modules and consumables, and a system where only the best can acquire the aformentioned, distort the game. Its more like EVE, where vets have mods, ships, and tactics that players with less than a few years in the game OR without the proper coaching cannot hope to win. However WOT forces the noobs into random matches with the baby seal clubbers -
  • @triggSerable
    Seriously, i love your canada countryside stories like with the turtles crossing. Yes, i also subbed your other channel, but it's a nice mixup in WoT videos too. :D
  • @tweeotch
    I 100% agree with you on the crew training bullscheis!
  • @johncodmore
    You are a good man Claus, maybe get one of those little wheeled dollies (?) to help with the turtles, and some reflective tape to stick on the side of the shell for when you are not around. Yes the new re-training system is a blatant cash grab. As a cheap-skate myself, having to husband every gold piece, keep an eye out for events and specials, and I don't need to tell you about waiting for training discounts. Have you claimed your free month of WoTPlus? You earn gold and can have a tank crew earn xp even when you are logged out.
  • @zach_zach5898
    A lot of the playerbase is just in so deep and addicted WG doesn't even have to sugarcoat making p2w updates. The crew system doesn't encourage, it forces players to use gold. The loss in perk % is a kick in the nuts followed by water-boarding.