The mistakes I made this year.

Published 2023-12-22
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All Comments (21)
  • @evazubeck
    Wishing you all a happy Christmas and an inspiring 2024 ❤
  • @kayakjim007
    I am 65 years old. When ever I see younger people trying to build up their ideal lives I think, "Oh dear. Do they realize the bumps life is going to send their way." It is just in the nature of life for things to go sideways from time to time and a few not-so-great roads to be explored. Wishing you all the best in the coming year.
  • Eva, have you noticed how many of your followers are old folks? I'm 86 years old. We admire you. You have done what most of us really deep down would have loved to have done in our long lives. For instance, I spent the first 19 years of my life doing what my parents wanted, the next 25 years being a Navy-wife doing mostly what he wanted me to do, the next 20 years doing what i thought i wanted to do, and then ten years doing the life of being a helpful sister, and now i am doing what i really love doing. I have spent time learning!!!! I really should have gone on to college and pushed myself to learn more. You see, there are sections to your life. You are in one of those sections. Make the most of it. You are learning first hand. That's good. If chaos is good for you, well you will learn from it. That's ok. Put that chin up. If you feel like sharing with us, do it. If not, don't. You are very good at it. The day, sections down your road when you can sit still and pull it all together and write a book about it, but right now you are still in the learning section. Oh, and sometimes a dog is the very best relationship you can have. Enjoy it!!!!
  • @lonniepee9804
    You could sit in the woods for a year and stare at the sky, Eva, and you'd STILL have accomplished much. Your mind is a treasure and I suspect it's always processing new information. I'll be 75 in three weeks and I hope to be like you when I grow up.
  • I have a feeling that you will look back on this time and realize just how necessary and important it was ❤
  • @user-zw9nn8cx3r
    I am 77 years old, educated, financially sound, and have always practiced these thoughts? Before entering into any situation of unknown's; always, always, have another way out of what you just got yourself into. You aren't alone in the "been there done that". I have always looked at you as a person who has no fear of the unknown. Lighten up, you're doing fine. You're only 32, and you have seen and done so much. I'm proud of you!
  • I think you are too hard on yourself. You've accomplished more in a year than I've done in a lifetime. Your videos have been so amazing too, your travels, your experiences. You are much younger than me, you still have so much ahead of you, don't let one year get you down. All best to you!
  • @Dipeshgiri7
    Yes, this year was way too much for me to handle. 1. Had to quit job. 2. Had to lose a eprson who i felt was life for me. 3. No savings at all, too many expenses - two major accidents, lost many things such as mobile phone, got robbed. 4. Anger issues 5. Depression not moving out at all styaing inside house a lot. 6. No one to say out loud. 7. Every single day was like hard ro pass. Thank you for motivating even if you would never see my comment. I have been watching you for a long time. Fingers crossed this year will be great. I am having my tears dropping out of my eyes.
  • I am a mere 3-minutes into your video, and I can tell you, at the age of 60, that I did not feel that I "hit my stride" in life until I hit my 50's! Further, when I was your age, I also had profound doubts about which direction I should take for the "bigger picture". Now, I raise Monarch butterflies (my mantra is simple: Raise. Release. Repeat), hold copyrights in music, literature, and photography, and am a senior officer on two local nonprofit board of officers. I only wish to reassure you, dear sister, that living takes labor. It is as simple as that. However, you may extend your blessings upon your life by having a creative energy that the rising sun looks forward to. Also, it's great to still see Vilk happy and helping you keep your balance. Sting said it best in his song An Englishman in New York; "Be yourself, no matter what they say".
  • @tamarwyschogrod
    Thank you for posting this. You will probably never know how many people benefited from your honesty, from hearing that a woman who seems to have such a perfect life of adventure and independence might feel unsuccessful or unfulfilled. But know this: The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. I'm turning 62 in a few days. I have had some incredible adventures, but I also decided at a very young age to link my life to someone I love, whom I've been fortunate enough to spend most of the past 44 years (!!!) with, with whom I have three children. It's been a life of compromise, and eventually became far more settled than I dreamed of when I was young. You might look at me and think I have a perfect life, but I look at your freedom and sense of adventure and think you do. In the end, both of us share an enemy: the idea that the perfect life exists. Be well, take care of yourself, and cut yourself a break. You deserve it.
  • @ReboundSaga
    Hey Eva, I don't know if you'll read this message, but I wanted to tell you that each of your new videos is a positive shock for me, something I currently don't see on social media. It's like a breath of fresh air, and I breathe thanks to you. Why? Because I feel literally like you... Your video speaks to me in a very personal way. I love your authenticity - it gives me the motivation I lost, especially after losing my beloved mom earlier this year. This loss made everything else seem insignificant, even the dream job I landed. For months, nothing could lift my spirits or bring me any joy. But your videos have sparked something in me. They reminded me that there are people out there who understand and share similar experiences. You've inspired me to start my own YouTube channel, to find my voice and share my story. Thank you for being a beacon of hope and authenticity in a world that often feels disconnected. Your courage and honesty have given me the strength to embrace my journey and to start creating again. Stay strong. Amen.
  • @_beejazz
    After reading some comments, I also realized that you have built a beautiful community. Every comment I read was wholesome, with everyone trying to cheer you up and provide great advice. You should be proud of this community that you've created because, in some way, you've brought all these nice people together, and that is truly an accomplishment ✨
  • You are a beautiful 32 yr. old woman. See that you have a long life ahead of you. As an 83 yr. old, woman, I am in awe of all your travels, including your journey across the US. Look at what you have accomplished and love every minute of it. Please do not dwell on the things you feel were mistakes. Travel more, write, and film. You have the future! Lucky you!❤
  • @janiewindle946
    Take it from a 62 year old woman who has had many regrets. Don't ever stop being you for anyone. And may the coming new year be one of your best!
  • @gregnass5715
    Eva, you are not alone, you made no mistakes this year, you just learned what does not work for you, simple. You are a true Free Spirit, easy to catch but hard to hold down. Do you, and own it. For what it is worth, you have inspired a great number of people whom support you, and that, is a massive achievement!
  • @faery222
    I think you are an amazing and very brave person. If I can say one thing, it would be to give yourself a break. You have done more with your life at 32 years old than most people do in a life time. Much love and happiness in 2024. 💛🙂
  • @mdkram
    I'm 56 and I've never been able to settle down. So don't worry about it and what other people say you should do. Be true to yourself, always. Because, in the end, only you know what you want. Best of luck and always do what drives you.
  • @HansKeesom
    You achieved more things in 2023 then I have in my whole life, the things you did not finish, I have never even started. Be proud for trying all these things, you got a lot of information out of them for years to come.
  • What mistakes? Your year was amazing and you learned a lot about yourself. That's how life goes. I'm 57 and let me tell you, the phrase "life is what happens when you're making other plans" is true. You're a vibrant, intelligent woman. Enjoy what you've accomplished and never apologize for being yourself. ❤
  • @joemacha6717
    I am 80 and still going strong. SO. You learned and now to can adjust. As one book I love is “the boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie MacKesy be you. Move forward and build on what you have learned. Go and fly!