Temtem - A Terrible Pokemon Killer?

Published 2020-01-23

This video is me talking about concerns and thoughts on what I've experienced and seen about the game. This is not me thinking it's a bad/good game, but just concerns that I have.

So, let's take a few moments to talk about Temtem, and my issues with the game that came out a couple days ago.

While I have played... A little of the game, I haven't had a chance to get too indepth into it, but I plan on doing so and hopefully do a full scale review, but I'm hesitant, I'm also hesitant to call it a Pokemon Killer.

"Final" version of the piece being drawn: www.deviantart.com/flairnightz/art/Urshifu-WIP-826…

Support the artist who was affected by this SMRT individual: twitter.com/phobiacircus15?lang=en

Thanks for the art:
Sprite skull:    / @smoothisan  

End Screen - Check out the artist's DA and twitter.
twitter.com/Bejeweledfanboi (warning NSFW)
   • Video  

My stuff:

Ending theme:    • "Marnie's Theme" - Pokémon Sword & Sh...  

Sorry, not sorry.

All Comments (21)
  • I’m seriously tired of people saying something is going to “kill” Pokémon. It happened years ago with Yo Kai Watch, it’s happening again with TemTem. Nothing is going to kill Pokémon, it is literally the most profitable franchise ever
  • @roxas4930
    The problem is that people are making this game out like it's gonna be bigger than pokemon....well TELL THAT TO EVERY OTHER CREATURE COLLECTOR GAME also idk why people think that creature collector games instantly are pokemon clones, because ladies and gentlemen, pokemon wasn't the first creature collector, smt and dragon quest did it way before pokemon
  • One of the reasons why I think people say this is a "Pokemon Killer" is probably because they're just salty about Sword and Shield.
  • @amirgarcia547
    While I think TemTem shows some promise, I think it’s being way too overhyped by certain peeps. Like, the ones calling it a “Pokémon killer” or think it’ll even come close to a being a viable competitor must’ve forgotten what franchise they’re dealing with. Or what happened with Digimon and Yo-kai Watch. Really, the only thing that it realistically has over Pokémon at this point is that it’ll be multi-platform, rather than a Nintendo exclusive.
  • @rai_harn98
    Can people just stop labelling every Mons games/anime as "Pokemon Killer" and let them be their own thing?
  • It's literally a case of the devs going "If they won't make it for me I'll make it myself"
  • @dragonlover439
    Regardless of the game’s quality, I feel like people are automatically gravitating towards it because they aren’t satisfied with current Pokémon. I’ve read people saying things like “finally! Pokémon needs competition or else it’ll continue to deteriorate in quality!” Although I agree with that statement to some extent, that doesn’t make the end product automatically good. I’m not saying the game itself is good or bad either way, I really don’t know. What I’m saying is I feel like so many people are trying to get out of it something they don’t get out of Pokémon, and as a result, they may be ignoring the game’s faults.
  • @everblue2277
    Temtem looks like it feels like a Roblox version of Pokémon. This isn’t an attack on it’s art style, it’s the games mechanics and creature design.
  • @Inkfy
    People who make the claim "x will kill Pokemon" do not understand how profitable Pokemon is. In order to be successful you need 1 or more of these three things as a game, 1. Fill a specific niche that can't be replaced easily (Pokemon is lucky that it got on the monster catching trend when their wasn't many like them at the time that were as easily accessible to play) , 2. Create a specific niche for your game (Undertale/Deltarune are unique enough to be its own thing and while bullet-hells aren't new, they aren't the most common either), 3. Become popular a specific genre (The Tales of series is a very popular action jrpg but it's only one of many. That being said thanks to good writing, a good battle system, etc, it fits right in). Pokemon has fulfilled such a unique niche of being a very accessible monster collecting game. Anyone can pick up and play and you don't need to do much to learn how to win. Even other games like Yokai Watch still have issues of just not being accessible enough. They aren't bad games but they have a lot to go through that typically aren't the same in Pokemon. Digimon another similar monster collecting game is unique but their trend of good games have been more spotty. Pokemon is one of the few mainline games that has had consistent success each time. Even games not as well received still sell millions each year. TemTem, unless a miracle happens, is not going to beat that. Period. It's an MMO which requires constant online to use. Pokemon is accessible in that it came be played anywhere no matter what. That's part of its appeal. Limiting your fanbase to being at home (unless it gets a switch port) is already a huge chunk of audience you're not hitting. Can't say of they game is going to be bad or not, but it's something to consider. When there are so many other MMOs to play, TemTem desperately needs to stand out other than "Pokemon alt MMO version". Edit: Some words. On mobile so my formatting was off.
  • @rosamaeart
    Whoever made the platypus design should've been commissioned to design other characters. None of the designs I've seen look good in my opinion, there's no cohesive theme.
  • @TLord
    I feel going and saying anything “will kill pokemon” I feel really meh with people who say it...it mainly feels like people who say this don’t actually care about the game and only want it to destroy gamefreak. It’s like going and saying Rivals of Ather was a “Smash Bros killer” you can enjoy temtem over Pokémon or vice versa, or even like both, but forcing this random competition that shouldn’t really be there
  • I think the real problem with this game is that most people are playing it just to spite Pokemon, which is more harmful to Temtem than it is to Pokemon because those people are depriving Temtem of something it needs, an actual real fanbase, If people had played Yo-Kai Watch just to spite Pokemon, we wouldn't have had Yo-Kai Watch 3 localized to our shores despite the huge decline in popularity in the west
  • @GatorRay
    Yeah the 35 buck price tag for an early access MMO to me seems a bit steep. I'll wait and see with TemTem.
  • @MaxMallard
    Bad wait times are generally a big turn off for me. It’s the main reason I disliked Pokemon Go so early in its release. If they can decrease the wait time I might look into it, but then I forgot TemTem was even a thing, so I may just forget again.
  • @ColdUtopia
    I remember when Yo-kai Watch was "The next Pokemon". Sword and Shield might be a watered down experience, but at least it's Pokemon.
  • @nerobiblios4086
    If any franchise has the ability to kill Pokemon it's Digimon. Pokemon is extremely big, bigger than those Twitter/Youtube influencers can even realistically grasp. Pokemon has history, iconography and nostalgia to back it up, TemTem does not, but Digimon does. There have been "Pokemon Killers" before, none actually succeeded because the fundamental aspects of what make Pokemon huge wasn't there, Digimon does have those qualities however. That's like saying Fortnite will kill CoD, or something ridiculous like that. Edit: Lol wut? it'll have microtransactions!? hell no, fuck that shit.
  • @MilczekHD
    I dislike how some people only praise this game cause they were dissatisfied with Sword & Shield. Like, it's fine if you truly like it, but it's just petty and some may argue toxic to praise something just to trash something else.
  • @brem-
    I don't understand why people would call this a pokemon killer. Pokemon is one of the biggest franchises in the world, a single game on steam isn't able to topple something like that. The only way pokemon would be able to get killed is if either nobody buys anything pokemon related ever again, or if Nintendo or Gamefreak or The Pokemon Company stops the production of everything pokemon related, which will likely never happen because, again, it's one of the biggest franchises ever. Now a Pokemon Alternative, that's something it could be.
  • @alf513
    There are people claiming that temtem will somehow “kill” the Pokémon franchise? That’s easy to say, but harder to do.