Therapist Reacts: BIG HERO SIX and Grief

Published 2022-04-21
How does Hiro find healing and move forward after losing his brother?

Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright talk about the stages of grief as seen in Big Hero 6 as Baymax and Hiro's friends help him through his grief and find healing and meaning after loss. They talk about the themes of choosing who we want to be and how Hiro's grief process helps him figure out who he wants to be, honoring the departed, the brother relationship between Hiro and Tadashi, and the truly incredible animation and physical comedy of Baymax. Also, this movie broke us. (Yes, there are tears. #cryingwithalan)

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Cinema Therapy is:
Written by: Megan Seawright, Jonathan Decker, and Alan Seawright
Produced by: Jonathan Decker, Megan Seawright, and Alan Seawright
Edited by: David Sant
Director of Photography: Bradley Olsen
English Transcription by: Anna Preis
Spanish Transcription by: Juan Willems

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All Comments (21)
  • I also want to point out that they were raised by their aunt, meaning they had already lost their parents. So losing Tadashi probably had that much more impact.
  • @Tyler-zx7xn
    "If you avoid caring to avoid hurting, you also avoid healing." God that's a great line.
  • @myuki_s5038
    I never realized Baymax's voice softened and mildly broke when he asked at the end "Are you satisfied with your care?" This hurts
  • @sleepymiri__
    I just now realized that tadashi's last words were "someone has to help"
  • @almento7804
    I will always love this for the fact that Tadashi programed baymax in a way where if Baymax doesn't have the tools to help a patient he will actively seek out information to allow him to do so.
  • @suri5107
    "Are you okay?" "No, I'm crying over a kid's relationship with his marshmallow robot."😭 Big Hero 6 is so underrated. Also Fallout Boy killed it with Immortals
  • @skyhideaway
    It's amazing how much emotion they managed to get on Baymax's face despite his expression being either •—• or - — -
  • @chriswasian09
    I completed sobbed after watching this. I lost my niece 1 month ago, my mom 6 months ago, my brother 2 years ago and my father 5 years ago. I've pushed all of it to the side and I see that now. I've been trying to find the light, get help and this video has helped me heal just a little. Thank you.
  • @lowercase_ash
    "This is a very not subtle metaphor for Tadashi raising his brother." How. Did. I. Miss. That.
  • Alan: “Thanks, people on the spectrum.” Me: rewinds to hear that again because we get so little appreciation irl
  • I love the double meaning of bamax's first statement after having the doctor chip reinserted on the island: "my Healthcare protocol has been violated." I think that violated is the perfect word here because it is used in very matter of fact, near clinical connotations like when talking about legal contracts or device warranties, but can also be deeply personal and intimate. On the surface, a piece of software was forcibly shut down without the proper procedure. But more than that, Hiro violated Bamax in his anger, disrespecting Tadashi and his creation. Hiro took what made Bamax what it is, the closest thing Bamax has to a soul, and tore it out to leave the empty chassis as a killing machine. I love lines with deeper meanings like that
  • @transfan24
    "Every time you feel anger, it's actually something else in disguise" That hits hard, for sure. My mom has told me all my life "anger is the second emotion", too
  • @trinaq
    I love how each of Tadashi's friends act as big siblings towards Hiro, even though he's not physically present any more. Gogo calls out Hiro when he's being stupid, Wasabi encourages him to be less reckless, Honey Lemon is the most caring, Fred encourages him to be passionate about science, and Baymax is a last reminder of Tadashi's passions. Friends are family.
  • @MasamiPhoenix
    I love how Baymax says "My healthcare programming has been violated." Because Scott Adist delivers it in Baymax's quasi-emotionless voice, it has this factual aspect that makes it hit harder. Baymax was violated. Tadashi's legacy was violated. This isn't an opinion. This is a fact. And yet it has just enough emotion, especially combined with the others recoiled with him, that we can see that Baymax - who's still learning emotions - is deeply hurt by this, which sets up Baymax refusing to open his port later.
  • 24:14 Anyone else notice that as the emotional music builds baymaxs voice becomes less and less robotic and more atune to his brothers... Ow. This pain was a 10.
  • Big Hero 6 always hit me the hardest of all movies, because my mother died when I was around Hiro's age because she threw herself in front of a car to shove an old woman to safety. I remember feeling so distraught and blamed myself for all of it. What if I hadn't been elsewhere, and was at her side to stop her? What if? What if? What if? I was a child. I couldn't see the future. I think it's inherent to grief to give the agony of it a meaning. Of course it had to be my fault, why else would it hurt? But there is no reason it happened. My mother was only 40, she would have had double that if she had survived. The driver was drunk and full of hate in a massive truck, someone could've helped him before he took my mother away. So much could have happened to change this. But it happened like it had, and everyone has to move on. And I have, for the most part. It was over 15 years ago, I'm an adult now. I can realize it wasn't ever my fault. It wasn't that old woman's either. The blame rests entirely on the man who decided he needed to run someone over at a wedding. I have my mother's ashes. I've been everywhere in this country, from Seattle to Miami, and I've always had her heart-shaped metal urn with me. The box has kept her chocolatey-smokey smell for all 15 of those years. She can't hug me and wipe away my tears, but I can still hug her. I still have her photo. I still know her name. Grief feels like the end of the world. Maybe it always will. But you will grow, and that would make your lost loved one happier than anything else in the world.
  • @NinjaGidget
    I've heard that in anime, when a character is "happy crying" the tears fall from the outside corners of the eyes and sad crying has the tears fall from the inside corners. It took me a while to figure out why that works, but if someone is crying with their head bowed, the tears fall from the inside, and if they're crying with their face uplifted, tears fall to the outside.
  • @Batini
    It's interesting that the "fade to white" can mean exactly what Alan said... going to the light. But in Japan, white is the colour related to death and funerals, which may as well be a clear cut of "Tadashi is dead".
  • @angelofdusk13
    This is only tangentially related, but I was diagnosed with a disabling autoimmune disease seven years ago. My best friend was across the country, working at Disney World at the time. She sent me a stuffed Beymax, with the note, "Now you have your own personal healthcare companion." He helped me through a very difficult career change, and a very difficult transition into being disabled from able-bodied. To this day, he sits on a dresser, and every time I see him, I think of how much love and support I have, and how it's possible to find happiness, even after something devastating happens.