6mm is Easy! Painting Teeny Napoleonic British Infantry [How I Paint Things]

Published 2023-08-08
Turns out that I actually really enjoy painting miniatures the smaller they are - though I think I'd draw the line at 3mm figures!

Find Henry's miniatures on MyMiniFactory along with links to his other storefronts and physical prints here: www.myminifactory.com/users/henryturner

Also, check out the Kickstarter for the Europe Asunder: Waterloo range as seen in this video! www.kickstarter.com/projects/ageofadmirals/europe-… If you have your own printer, Henry's Kickstarter packs are always ludicrously good value; well worth checking out if you're interested in the era or even if you're looking to try something new with multiple armies included.

Grab your own flags and banners for printing at home from Warflag! www.warflag.com/instructions.shtml

00:00 - Intro
00:58 - 6mm Miniatures & Priming
03:04 - Basecoats
10:29 - Shading
11:48 - Highlights: Yep, Highlights!
14:24 - The Finished Regiment

Thanks to Producer Patrons Alan, Kyrie, Andrew, Jimmy, Rod, Phil, Robison and Woodcock - as well as all the other Patrons that made this video possible, and Exit23 Games for recording equipment that helps keep the channel ticking over! Find out more at the following links:

THE BASE: Paint the infantry strips in Flat Brown before gluing to their base. Apply Stirland Mud, drybrushed with Brown Sand and then Dark Sand. Paint the base rim in Flat Brown, then add flock or static grass with PVA.


Premium Grey (Vallejo Rattle Can)

Matt White

Rosy Flesh (Came Color)
Flat Red
Buff - or another colour specific to your regiment!
Light Sea Grey
Basic Skin Tone

Basilicanum Grey (Contrast)
Snakebite Leather (Contrast)
Black Templar (Contrast)
Iron Hands Steel (Base)
Retributor Armour (Base)
Marine Juice - Reikland Fleshshade, Army Painter Dark Tone, Lahmian Medium in 3:3:4 ratio, or simply 'a bottle of each mixed together.'

Varnish+ (Instar)

All Comments (21)
  • @danchapron5276
    When I saw your new video pop up I thought 'oh wonder what sledge is up to today' I did not expect to be attacked when you said that empire and Napoleon total war were 'old' 😭
  • @davidbenton8775
    Nice work on the 'General's scale'. I'm a 6mm gamer and Napoleonics will probably be my next era. My particular style of painting 6mm units, (rule 1 of painting 6mm...'you're not painting individual soldiers you are painting units'😂) differs, but that is probably because I am currently immersed in the ACW and that is a very different looking war. I use washes much more, to achieve the dirty and sometimes haphazard collection of kit the soldiers wore. This will probably be toned down for the bright and often showy uniforms of the Napoleonic armies. Having said that, I do think that, if you are working on good sculpts, washes are your best friend at 6mm. They really bring out the details in a way that nothing else does. All that said, I really enjoyed the video and look forward to seeing you tackle something more 'down and dirty' at this scale...a brigade of seasoned Confederates whose uniforms have long since lost their lustre, the grey now mixed with homespun butternut, Union issue clothing 'liberated' from their foes, and, well, anything they could find really. 😊
  • @irishtom30
    If you're gonna do full battle Napoleonics, I can't imagine doing any larger than 6mm. Anything bigger is for skirmish or else you'll spend your whole life painting (and building a big enough table!)
  • @gavinpearson74
    Excellent tutorial- more 6mm please. Ideally Ancients. Thanks.
  • @turnerminiatures
    Thank you for painting these Troy, and I'm glad you like them! This was a real treat to watch :)
  • @VonBek2009
    These little dudes look awesome...I'm currently painting Warlord Epic ACW and thought they were small enough! If your enjoying painting them, then yes I'd more than happily like and watch more 😄
  • @torros1839
    Having painting what is hundreds of 6mm figures I would recommend spraying grey and then a very thinned down wash over top to bring up the details. An over brush does the same thing
  • @Fredeye63
    Wow! You paint everything. I would've stopped before the shade as I did for 10mm ACW. Really good Troy...bookmarked for a later day.
  • @torros1839
    Winsor and Newton is my go to but needs thinned down a little .You can always add more
  • @LordSquee
    It always amazes me how on camera the minis look so large. And then I realise that's your thumbnail next to them and how tiny they really are...
  • @Glasmn45
    Great video sir. Would love to see how you approach painting 2mm minis. Maybe you have and I've forgotten? Ya know, cuz I'm old? 😂
  • @Strawfoot
    So tiny! Another great video. Thanks for sharing this!
  • @454IsaacR
    I've been a huge fan of Mr. Turner's miniatures for some time. Your paint job on these Brits is beautiful. I wish you'd show us your entire army so that all the first timers watching this video can see the majesty of well painted 6mm army.
  • @johnkelley9877
    THey are great looking sculpts. The painting was great and I look forward to you doing more 6mm models. Thanks for sharing this neat tutorial.
  • @andyshaw5378
    Awesome video. I have a 10 mm ACW army to finish and have been suffering with a little painting block. Thanks for the tips and inspiration
  • I'm just going to say I work from my desk a lot and these videos really do help make a stressful week better. Your chipper approach, the techniques, man I just wanted to let you know its solid work and very enjoyable. Keep it up, I look forward to them and seeing what the subject matter will be each week!
  • @thelazyforger
    Great result! Thanks for increasing the awareness towards small scales! :)
  • @paradox7358
    How fortuitous! I just so happened to be starting a 6mm British redcoat army.