How To Trust Yourself -Teal Swan-

Published 2014-06-14
Self trust can be summed up as the assured reliance on your own character, ability, strength, and truth. This sounds straightforward enough. The problem is, most of us have spent our lives listening to our parents, our government, our teachers and our bosses. We have been raised with the idea that we do not know what is best for ourselves. Instead, we are taught that other people who "know more than we do"; know what is best for us. Because of this, we choose what we think we are supposed to choose. We try to live according to what our society says is "right." In this Episode, Teal teaches us how to trust ourselves and gives us some highly practical tips for how to develop self trust if we have lost trust in ourselves.

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Beginning Song:
Alchemy - Blake Dyer

Ending Song
Our Game - Yaima

Teal Swan is a personal transformation revolutionary. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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All Comments (21)
  • @reenujose4361
    1. acknowledge your abilities, strengths, talents, virtues 2. Do things that come easily to you 3. Don't obsess on the right answer - stick it your right answer 4. Take risks 5. Take responsibility for your decisions and consequences 6. Acknowledge the things you do trust yourself ("I trust myself to ....") 7. Integrity 8. Pay attention to feelings 9. Stop abandoning self a. Don't resist negative emotion b. Healthy boundaries
  • @rajvimittal3753
    "Allow yourself to do what comes easily to you" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤
  • @mahdita12
    "self-hate comes from self-distrust" wow. that's just, i've never seen it that way but it's so true for me
  • @ednabarajas1070
    Why don’t they teach us and our children all this knowledge in schools. Emotional and mental health is so important. We need healers in schools instead of psychological therapy that leads to labeling and medicating. We need our schools to have the option to choose a class that is focused on personal mental/emotional wellness. My health class was focused on condoms and pills to prevent pregnancy; Planned parenthood mentality. Thanks for being a YouTube teacher. Some of us are seeking help to heal and move forward🧡
  • @LynnetteAllen
    Love your straight talk Teal. So wish I'd had the knowledge you share when I was growing up! I'm 76 and just now giving myself some credit, opening up to myself, listening to myself. You are helping a great deal. Thank you!
  • @laurai7123
    When I was a child everybody complained about how sensible I was, and crying all the time, being very silent ( it's not like I had nothing to say, I was afraid of speaking.... ) etc....eventually I lost myself completely and I have huge issues with self confidence.....
  • @ninamelo87
    I wish I had known Teal when my mother was alive. She struggled with depression for over 10 years, until she couldn't take it anymore. This wonderful content would have helped her a lot. She was a wonderful person.
  • I am working on healing from a lifetime of self-hate. I have only recently really understood how much I don't trust or even believe in myself. I have so many things I want to do, but I need to start with me before I can do any of the things I want to do.
  • @AurumLuxuria
    Courage is an extremly important characteristic. 
  • @sweety1009
    This is excellent. This should be shown in schools 🙌
  • @Nadehj
    "Dont abandon yourself" wise words
  • @abeespalm
    I love rewatching these videos for inspiration and encouragement.
  • @aresmars2003
    "80% of success in life is showing up" - Woody Allen
  • @chris103050
    Thank you Teal, that was very helpful. After having Counselling, I realised that alot of my 'internal dialogue' was actually the voices of my parents, which I obeyed. So now, I have my own 'voice'. I feel much better as a result.
  • @divarose2017
    when I got to the time stamped 16:17, where you say "when you stop abandoning yourself" this wall of emotions came over me and I allowed the tears to fall, which normally I would not allow. thank YOU!
  • @TheExMuslima
    When she said the STAY acronym, I immediately recalled what my spirit guide told me in her guided meditation. He told me to STAY, it will all unfold as planned. Now I wonder if that's what he meant!
  • @HavanaSaint
    "wow" This actually made me cry… I feel like this is one of my appointed life lessons.
  • @apriljoygarton
    I love you Teal. TY. I was in such resistance to this vid, but when I finally settled down and watched tears streaming down my a child little girls were seen and not heard, AND only loved if they were good. Only loved if they were quiet and i installed a mute button to be loved. I had many alcoholic fathers and my childhood is mostly a blurr from trauma. I would do ANYTHING to get love and had no healthy boundaries. I am re-parenting myself, learning to say NO. I have been an exercise bulimic for many years now...running to exercise to avoid pain. My addiction. Ty for your immense honesty and integrity. It's taking an alot of courage to share my truth here, but I'm glad I am. It feels better (in the end) to be seen in truth.
  • @TheExMuslima
    She is ABSOLUTELY right about the pandora's box.
  • I also get to see a pattern in the case of people with terrible parents who made them forever miserable or made it clear they are unwanted - they find it always hard, if not impossible, to be financially self-sustainable. They almost never, or hardly get a job. They barely ever develop a sense of utility, practicality or functionality in this world. It could be because the insidious scenario that has been encoded by said parents, that you need to suffer, lower yourself and deprive yourself in order to gain food and shelter. It's the most miserable trade-scenario to ever curse someone as unsuspecting as a child, even though, the internet is filled with people complaining about this on boards. There has to be a way, or practice to decode this. I'm curious if anyone noticed something similar and knows how to master this with well, you know, some wisdom.