am i really going to be mentally ill forever? like...this is it?

Published 2024-01-31
in my bag today guys

as always, thanks for watching and i love y'all so much ♡

All Comments (21)
  • @Maria-vt1yf
    This made me cry because this is so relatable right now. I have autism and adhd and have been able to do less and less creatively and socially the more responsibilities I get as an adult. I get so scared that life will be like this forever. I am a good writer and I used to love writing, and I know some great novel is hidden beneath all my issues that will probably never be written . Same with great friendships and experiences that won’t happen because I’m isolating at home. Ugh I feel you
  • @jen6790
    i've been in a hard place too for a while now, and it's so daunting and scary to think "is this really going to be something i have to live with forever?" when we're in a bad mental state, this doom and gloom feeling that we have is all encompassing. but then we wake up one morning and we feel like doing something, or we feel excited, or we just feel something that isn't just dread. we laugh for the first time in a while, or smile on our own, or just enjoy the taste of our favorite food. we hang out with someone who makes us feel loved, or watch a movie that changes our life. these moments take us out of our mind, even if it's just for a second, they make the world worth living in. it's in those moments that we feel so proud of ourselves for sticking around. it's about living for the next day in the hopes that it'll be better than the last. because we know that those days exist. we love you reece, thank you for being open <3
  • @Ashleighfrh
    I just want to say, at 17 I was so depressed I didn't want to live to 21, but then when I reached 21 I was like "okay, maybe I can make it to 22" and so on. I'm 27 now and haven't thought like that in years, and I promise you - it gets better. I have found 9 to 5 actually quite useful in giving my life structure and meaning; not to say it will do that for you but for me it was just the feeling of knowing I was being counted on to turn up somewhere and do some silly little tasks, really helped. Sending so much love!
  • Bestie, i started having better habits because of you and you truly made me step up my life in the pandemic. As a fellow mentally ill girly, yes, maybe we will. But we are doing so much better than we think and YOU have made a difference in people’s life. Thank you for existing ❤ hope you see this
  • sometimes the problem is that we think it’s a problem to not wanna do anything. life isn’t all about work and productivity. it could just be trying to teach you how to just lay back and chill, enjoy life, don’t always feel like you need to be doing something to be on top of your game
  • @user-cs9ro4tb4t
    I am depressed all the time but I try my best to get up everyday. I have convinced myself it’s ok to feel that way and give myself love nevertheless. I find writing and documenting every minute of my daily life in a journal very helpful cuz then I realize all the things that is happening in my life. Now I get up with great curiosity of what the day holds for me. I don’t set goals or have dreams. My goal is really to get up everyday and seize whatever awaits in my day. I thank God everyday for all wonderful things I enjoy everyday- sun, flowers, the showers, the roof over my head, the clothes I wear, the people who loves me.
  • @WriterFergus
    I feel for you. Depression is so exhausting. You go to bed exhausted, you get up, exhausted. You feel empty or heavy for so much of the day. I have recently changed medication, my old meds weren't helping, and am now waiting for these to make a difference. I sometimes wonder why I bother, things can seem so bland and unfulfilling at times. Keep fighting my fellow mentally ill people, every day we manage to get out of bed is a triumph.
  • I'm in a depressive episode rn, a lot of my free time is spent lying down, I'm eating barely enough to get by, less than I should be. This helped me feel less alone. I see you and I think that is a person who is worthy even if all you do is lie down and sleep. You are still stardust. I don't think of you as less than. So I will try to extend that to myself as well. A thought that I had was maybe it would be worth exploring therapy or resources that employ an anti-capitalist lens. I know for me it is often hard to find self-worth that isn't achievement-based and I think it would be good for me to unlearn that more.
  • reeeeeeeseee idk why i've never commented on your vids before but i've literally been watching your vids since you were 16 and we're the same age!! born a month after you. your content is so raw and relatable. like i've been present for almost 9 years now the consistency of you in my life is crazyyy. anyways there's nothing i can say that'll make any difference but just want to say you're not alone cuz a big reason i've been so invested in your content is just how much i relate to you. i'm so happy you exist<3
  • This video was so validating. I've been struggling with my mental health for over a decade and this past year it's at a level where I cannot function. The things you talked about I've been thinking about too as of late. Thank you for posting this
  • @Maria-rr9zk
    I struggle with depression and social anxiety and let me tell you I would never manage to work from home and stay mentally stable! In 2020 I had to do it for a few weeks and at first I thought: great! Not having to speak to coworkers, being in my safe space etc. But instead of thriving I spiralled! I am an introvert and like being alone but my depression got worse because I had nowhere to be. There was no need to get ready in the morning, shower, brush your teeth. It was horrible and so exhausting because I couldn't get myself to do the normal things. Being alone the whole day, being in your own head the whole day, it's not healthy. What I am saying is, maybe you need a part time or volunteering job. Somewhere to go a few times per week. Doing something productive with your hands and not being in your head the whole day. That's what came to my mind.
  • @ashboo28
    Bonestly being mentally ill and in your 20s is the worst, I'm 29 now and im FINALLY less sad because even when I'm depressed the rest of stuff in my life has began to click into place, genuinely healthy relationships with others in my life, a job I like and works for me, and a space I feel good in, etc. When you're going through it it feels like one step forward, two steps back, but it's actually two forward, one back. With every moment we're getting through we're growing and developing and fighting for ourselves. Even if it feels like we aren't. I've definitely been in bed staring at the wall for days, but I'm not depressed like I would have been at 21 or 19 or 15.
  • @sunflower211
    girl i'm so sorry. i feel you! this video made me cry. mental health challenges are so difficult! the roller coaster is exhausting. i've been looking into transcranial magnetic stimulation (tms). it helped my brother maybe you could talk to your dr about it. don't listen to your negative self talk. you do amazing things and this low isn't your true reality. anyone who fights mental illness is strong and definitely not a loser 💔
  • @abbiewebster644
    does reese know that she literally inspired me to go to uni and get a degree and now i am a functioning human in society when before i was the biggest couch potato? girl we love you lol
  • i have been in the same mindset recently and honestly, it’s just so comforting to have content creators talk about it. the whole idea of potential and success depending on relatively good mental health is such a draining idea that i’ve been struggling with. you’re not alone!
  • @breaavril
    i feel like you've expressed exactly how i've felt in january so well 😭 hoping we all have a better february!
  • @sarahtrachte4426
    Heyyyy hey hey hey. Hey now. It's okay. Yes, this might be permanent. Yes, you probably need to accept it, and yes, obviously it sucks. But that doesn't mean the REST OF THE TIME can't be the most beautiful and magical life. If you're still having thoughts and plans and ideas and you just can't execute them, write them down so you can do them when you feel okay. Batch-produce videos when you feel good and then just post them occasionally when you feel sketchy. Have a list of like 20 favorite movies and a grocery order saved so you can just press send. Use the good times to prepare for the bad times, and once you've prepared, have the most fun you possibly can. We're all here with you. It will be okay.
  • @_LexiMae
    I get how you feel because my mental health has been a lot worse recently. I'm questioning whether or not if I'll be able to do anything because of my mental health. I'm so sick of being sick. I hope it won't always be like this
  • I cried hard a few weeks ago cause it all seemed so endlessly frustrating but then I realized - 6 years ago, I didn’t think I’d still be on this earth. At 16, I couldn’t even begin to imagine living past 18. But here I am. Getting better. Healing. Falling back into old patterns while doing my best. Being human.
  • @jessdixon2438
    Girl I think all of us that has mental illnesses end up having that lovely spiral that makes you think you’ll always be like this, you’re not alone in the slightest and you are doing the best you can right now. Stay strong you gorgeous human x