Mental Illness, Left and Right with Prof. Ed Dutton, Jolly Heretic

Published 2024-05-20

All Comments (16)
  • @user-ku1ly9ux1q
    Watched his interview a second time. And I must say. It's an awesome meeting of the minds. Vaknin and Dutton are a good combo.
  • @evaw3421
    "How is it like to be a narcissist?" lol this episode is likely the funniest ever. Thank you.
  • @LizWeaverNZ
    How I love a great combo podcast from 2 people I've listened to loads and love from their different corners of the interwebs, thank you both!!
  • I'm a writer and I absolutely agree that human beings are indeed in Flux. I've noticed how much difficulty rigid personalities have in their interactions with society. Also I live in South Africa where people with characteristics that in the past would have been sanctioned and even stigmatized have either sunk to their lowest point barely existing in poverty while others are extremely successful.
  • @adamroth719
    Ever since I was in a relationship with who I suspected as a covert malignant narcissist, I keep seeing amplified narcissistic traits in other people. I always try to see the good in people but this is becoming a problem for me as I find it hard to trust people. How can I find fix this?
  • @Loveofmissing
    Thabk you Dutton! Never heard of you before but very glsd to have your questions. New to sams content as well but having someone else prompt his mind has been revealing. Think i have cptsd and narcacistic and phyotic traits. Im still figuring out what is subclinical and what is from trauma. I really related to the joke of psychopathy and narcacism, having both being the best of both worlds 😅 If we make fun of the guests in the comments i can't imagine Prof Sam will get many more. ❤
  • Not finished watching but I think the something that attracts some of the worst kinds of people is collectivism. It makes sense to favor group identity if you want people to conform to expectations so that they are easier to control. Trying to control each individual person, with their own mind and preferences, is far less efficient. People will naturally herd themselves into groups for protection and status if there is no counterbalance of critical thought.
  • @party8053
    Please record another video on what happens when you discard the narcissist first, in more detail and ideally 3 hours long!!! I broke up with him in a conference, we’re both popular in our discipline. And it was the first time I had more admirers than him. One evening he started acting funny, avoiding me etc. and before I let him devalue me I broke up with him the same night, after months of giving chances. Next day I told all our colleagues in the conference that I broke up with him and he didn’t want that. Since he’s tried to communicate with some stories on instagram etc but no “hoovering” happened a year now. We met recently in another conference and he was all over me. I tried to avoid him again. He started sending me reels etc but I’ve not continued. I was the only woman to break up with him and among the few ex es not keeping in touch or entertaining him. But I do miss him sometimes. I’ve done great steps with your videos. Why is he still in my mind despite I broke up?
  • That's why helicopter parenting is so cruel to the development of children. Equally leaving babies in certain creche facilities denies children time to bond with their parents and is very unstimulating for children. I worked in such a place and I saw how this practice seemed to cause ADHD or withdrawal in children who might have developede normally if the environment early in life had been better for them.
  • Prof. Vaknin, an expert on narcissism and also a narcissist expert of himself, so to say.
  • 28:00 what a weird segue into attempting to psycho analyze the guest… bizarre. So many weirdly aggressive moments but this especially.