How Trauma Gets Trapped in Your Body Part 1 the Vagus Nerve

Published 2022-05-08
Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Qualified Clinical Supervisor. She received her PhD in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Florida in 2002. In addition to being a practicing clinician, she has provided training to counselors, social workers, nurses and case managers internationally since 2006 through #Vagusnerve #trauma trapped
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Video by Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes on integrative behavioral health approaches including counseling techniques and skills for improving mental health and reducing mental illness. provides multimedia counselor education and CEUs for LPCs, LMHCs, LMFTs and LCSWs as well as addiction counselor precertification training and continuing education on many of the videos on this channel. Unlike other providers like CE4Less, AllCEUs includes a weekly LIVE Stream Webinar with your unlimited continuing education and professional development membership.
Video by Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes on integrative behavioral health approaches including counseling techniques and skills for improving mental health and reducing mental illness. provides multimedia counselor education and CEUs for LPCs, LMHCs, LMFTs and LCSWs as well as addiction counselor precertification training and continuing education on many of the videos on this channel.
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All Comments (21)
  • @joeguerra7751
    I am a 59 year old Hispanic male. I suffer from trauma. You are a Godsend. I continue to get more useful information to understand my trauma from you than I have received from any MD or Therapist. Sometimes the clinical info you share is over my head. But, I’m pretty smart. Through repetition and multiple viewing of your videos, I eventually start processing and understanding what you are sharing. You are a breath of fresh air, helping me understand my full spectrum of lifelong trauma. I wish I had known you and the info you effectively share over 50+ years ago. Eternally grateful.
  • I've been looking into my childhood trauma and I have heard we store trauma in our body. I am grateful to have found your video.
  • Your presentation skills, and what you present are exceptional. I worked for years for criminal BigPharma pushing sometimes deadly prescription products which physicians love because they're really poorly educated, and trained. I'm a bioengineer, and I knew more than most doctors about human physiology, nutrition, and all the good research on alternative treatments not involving often dangerous, sometimes deadly, super expensive, often quite ineffective prescription products. I avoid physicians because most don't know much beyonx what we brainwashed them with, and we owned them with HUGE budgets. Thanks for your work.
  • @tnntlmmn277
    you're a real human. the work you're doing is incredibly important and crucial. if not the most.
  • It is impossible to describe what I have endured- absolutely impossible. I look forward to seeing this- I have researched much, because I became disabled due to trauma.
  • The vagus nerve is brilliantly explained here -- thank heaven I stumbled on Doc Snipes' video and not someone else's! You learn here how every square inch of the body is connected to the brain and all our organs to each other, too! Our bodies are so worth helping with everything we do and eat and think about and even with every person or organization we expose ourselves to! Boy, if learning this doesn't make you want to start eating whole foods and drinking pure water, and and start moving, etc., etc, I don't know what will! Thank you, Dr. Snipes for this wonderful series!!!
  • @vidagarciav
    Great information, I think it would be really amazing if you could also add freeze as one of the reponses. Often people are familiar with fight and flight responses but there is a third response "FREEZE" much like the reaction of a deer and headlights. People with neurological disorders or functional disorders often present with this characteristic which is definitely another stress response. I really wish more people would talk about this. My son went through freezing episodes for years before we found out he had functional neurological disorder and we thought he was having seizures, turns out they would non epileptic seizures. Just thought It was worth mentioning. :)
  • @jasmineh8482
    It'd be interesting to see research on how the vagus nerve in humans is affected by feeding them GMO and artificial foods, which constitutes the standard American diet because this greatly changes the gut microbiome as well
  • @redfullmoon
    I needed to see this because my IBS got triggered by heat stress (it's been unbearably hot and humid where I live) and I didn't know the vagus nerve affects all the way to our gut!
  • @tammy6452
    Your videos are very informative and making sense of many things I am seeing in myself at this point in recovery. Awareness has increased of many things, more than I realized. This morning was the first time of being able to picture these memories from a more distant vision and have them affect me much less. Never thought much of the "third eye " connection but it makes so much more sense then I thought. Where the nerves meet and the response to smiling or frowning. Thank you for your educational videos.
  • There's something so comforting about your voice. Your videos on trauma have been getting me through PTSD episodes when I'm scared at night. Still need to make my rescue pack!
  • Wow! Makes sense why a lot of different factors can still give me the same awful migraine. I had heard about the vagus nerve and was able to get control over migraines by fasting and doing cross body stretches every day, but that doesn't always work. Thank you for making this, I can't wait to watch the next two parts.
  • @kirppuntutti
    In case anyone here is new to this subject here I YouTube, Caring Medical Channel covers tons of vagus nerve implications and issues. And they always address cervical instability. Caring Medical also is big with prolotherapy. Good vagus info here. Really appreciate the education content on vagus nerve. Thx!
  • @ck11684
    I’m excited for this as a Massage Therapy instructor and LCDC/Mental Health professional…. I always talk about the mind, body connection and how bodywork can have an impact on a persons wellness holistically. I just taught the Control Systems (nervous and endocrine system) and specially discussed Vegas nerve massage. Thank you for this series, I will incorporate it into my classes 🙏🏻
  • @DocSnipes
    Unlimited CEUs for $59 at Based on this channel's videos and the proceeds support our continued mission to make these resources available.
  • @chaznonya4
    I went to "the best" psychologist in my state for 3 years and he missed this. I described this to him so closely. I'll be watching the whole series now to see if there is any relief from the flight or flight triggers.
  • This is Spot on , I released a lot of tension in my body the last three years , and triggered panic attacks never had them before
  • thanks fellow being for sharing this awareness and insights with us out loud