God's Purpose in the Coronavirus | Charles Spurgeon

Published 2020-03-28
Charles Spurgeon has a word for us today in our covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. He boldly declares God's purpose in viruses and disease (including the coronavirus). In the nineteenth century, the cholera pandemic claimed the lives of millions around the world. In response to a new outbreak in London, Charles Spurgeon delivers this timely and powerful sermon "The Voice of Cholera" on August 12, 1866. He has a message for both Christians and unbelievers today. To the Christian, he calls them to repentance and charges them to faithfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus. To the unbeliever, he extends an open invitation into the arms of God through Christ Jesus.

Recited & edited by David Ryu.I hope you can still find inspiration and encouragement from this creative work. I replaced the word "cholera" with "virus" for contextualization.
You can read the full sermon manuscript here: www.spurgeon.org/resource-library/sermons/the-voic…

I'd like to credit peacezxp for a footage of his that I used from videovo.

#Spurgeon #Reformed #ReformedTheology

All Comments (21)
    If this video gave you any inspiration or encouragement, please like, share and subscribe for more videos! God bless you!
  • @sannoua5686
    I always find a comfort listening to old preaching!
  • @adelalax3553
    So so true, God forgive us for not sounding the trumpet forgive me for not sounding the trumpet, give me the courage and fear of you to go do as I must do, in the name of Jesus amen, 😭😭
  • Well done Sir! Your voice has perfect cadence for this sermon and the message is timely! I wonder how quickly this issue would be resolved if believers in God were to link up for an international day of prayer. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
  • Lord, we have sinned greatly against you! I pray for all people to come to repentance, to weep and mourn over their sins, and to trust in Jesus Christ alone who bore our sins before that Great and Terrible Day comes.
  • @mt-ch6oe
    That was Awesome. I feel even more encouraged to do the work of the Lord. That sermon confirmed everyhthing God has been speaking to me. Your voice is perfect for this by the way and the music choice was awesome. Thanks for sharing!
  • @robertjasso6673
    The UK has been given a voice from beyond the grave , as this most faithful servant of his yet ministers faithfully within her shores!
  • @PaulHubertSOC
    I have been cheering God's work in the current pandemic, knowing He IS Sovereign and His work is perfect. Many have questioned this. Here, however, Spurgeon addresses the subject eloquently and precisely as one would expect from him. And excellent share! So, we pray MORE earnestly that indeed this work of God's WILL come to its full fruition. In a jaded world, however, I must ask "Is is POSSIBLE that people WILL respond?" - we can only PRAY that they do!
  • @adwoaagyei2465
    Thank you, Jesus for dying for me, I believe Lord by your grace.
  • Thank you David for this awesome message and video. This brought absolute tears to my eyes. A reminder that I belong to Christ. As the virus roars- fear abounds in our society. Financial insecurities for many, including myself. How do I press forward to gain employment in such times as these ? Trusting God is the only way ! I have shared this video with believers and unbelievers alike. May we all humble ourselves under His mighty hand--repent and turn to the Lord 🙏
  • @northernerny
    Well done David. This exposition excerpt of Amos is very timely in our current crisis. I heard the full message and captured all the points we (saint & sinner) need to hear and obey. Thank you. May the Lord JEHOVAH protect you and yours.
  • @Go2God
    Oh soooooo goooood!!! I want to write and record so many quotes!!! He will not remove it until the ... I mean this is just so good. I love the music as well 🎵🎶 This wisdom from Gods Word Showing the intent and reason for afflictions is just so so so well done. I've already listened 3 times and I will again and again admit soaks in And I may live it💫 Amen! 💥 Thank you 4. this !!!
  • David! Thank you so much for this video. I have sat and written out the message and plan on sharing with my saved and unsaved friends. I will send to both and state that all of us must examine our hearts to see where we may be in our relationship with God because the time is closer than ever of His return. Leave the video on and I will also send them to your video for it is beautifully and meaningful in touching hearts. God bless you!!!! Edna Mae
  • Excellent video !!! So well done ! I love the reading of Spurgeon's sermon--- so appropriate for our current times. Thank you for the hard work that you put into this video. Much appreciated.
  • @Richy-skys
    As we enter another lockdown in England this message is most relevant.