Lucky People Who Avoided Disaster

Published 2022-04-13

All Comments (21)
  • 3:19 definitely could've gone worse but as I tell everyone " doors have locks for a reason".
  • @karisapustka06
    Wow I'm so glad the people survived these close calls. Disasters do happen in real life, gotta have caution and be careful out there yall
  • @TwistedWolf66
    One of my close calls was when I was hiking with my mom and dad and sister and I had slipped on an icy part of the cliffs peak and I was using all my hand strength to pull myself up until my sister and dad came to help. I'm now terrified of cliffs.
  • @lindacho5746
    POV: you saw a comment with a lot of likes that says "Let's just appreciate how much work she puts into these videos."
  • @woman4220
    Love how someone can go from sexy to frog, “ABORT THE MISSION” amazing Lia
  • @mariakaupa5665
    I love lia very much. I am so grateful for the work she does
  • @Girly65
    Sniperwolf is so funny when ever I’m sad or in a bad mood watching her videos always makes my day better
  • @emmau7727
    Thank you so much I literally got 3 hours of sleep last night, and this helped so much!
  • @amynguyen1419
    Fun fact: 99% of the comments are “can we appreciate Lia does these videos for us.” Edit: There is always going to be someone who says this in the comments. I always see that one person who says what I said. I wanted to try and see if I gained likes and attention like other people. I gained a lot of likes and attention but I don’t think we should say that anymore because I THINK people are saying that only to get likes for the comment. That is just what I think, I just don’t want people to say “Fun fact: 99% of the comments are people saying:Fun fact: 99% of the comments are “can we appreciate Lia does these videos for us.” I like people commenting about how they like Lia’s videos and what she does.
  • @Sweet-n-Bitter
    Woah. Lots of disasters happen in real life, and lots of people somehow avoid them. This makes you realise that! Awesome work Lia!
  • @arhyvrapisa
    I was having a really bad day but seeing these almost completely horrible situations and hearing the “Hello friends its me” made my day so much better!! Keep it up Lia, you are amazing!! ❤ Edit: My family is going through some rough times and I just wanted to thank Lia for making me feel better!! I am not trying to get attention.
  • @jadeOOO
    How long the video actually is : 9:23m How it feels : 30 minutes AND THATS GOOD.
  • I don’t know why it’s so fun to watch someone else watch videos but when you react like you do it’s so much more fun to watch
  • @civilwildman
    Closest I can relate to these are the various times I've saved 3 of my nephews and nieces from falling down stairs or steps. Saved them from ER trips, paralysis or death. =/