How to play Warhammer 40k 9th edition (2020-2023)

Published 2021-08-28
HOW TO PLAY 10TH EDITION:    • How to play WARHAMMER 40K  

Here are some timestamps of parts that might be useful:
00:00 Start playing Warhammer 40k
01:02 The things you need
01:54 The Ork army
02:38 The Necron army
03:06 Understanding datasheets
04:24 Where to find the rules
05:48 The most important rule
06:10 The battlefield and setup
06:57 Models, units, and coherency
07:33 Command points and stratagems
08:05 Roll off, rounds, turns, and phases
08:47 Movement and advancing
10:22 Shooting and declaring targets
11:13 Rolling to hit and rolling to wound
12:25 Armour saves
13:13 Necron Reanimation Protocols
14:15 Morale test success
18:23 Armour penetration
18:51 Allocating wounds
21:20 Morale test failure, attrition test
22:02 Scoring objectives
22:43 Manifesting Psychic abilities
23:43 Mortal wounds
24:04 Assault weapons
24:42 Command Reroll
25:45 Special rule rerolls
26:36 Overwatch
27:48 Charging and Fight order
28:50 Fighting, attacks, and weapon abilities
30:28 Allocating multiple damage
33:05 Objective secured
33:39 Falling back
37:27 Fast rolling
38:43 Failed morale test under half strength
40:03 Shooting while engaged
41:38 Tactical activation in fight phase
44:49 Invulnerable saves

Music by Midwinter Minis, Sebastian Kling, Ollie Turbitt, and Choirgiant; made exclusively for the channel.

Support us on Patreon, get a shout-out, jump on the Midwinter Minis Discord, and take part in the Painty Points competition!

Related stuff
Warhammer 40k Core Rules:
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Build and paint your first Warhammer model:    • Build and paint your first Warhammer ...  
Speed painting Orks:    • Speed painting Ork Boyz  
Speed painting Sandstone Necrons:    • Speed painting sandstone Necrons  

Midwinter Minis prints and limited merch:
Surprise your friend with a message from Guy!

Here are some useful links for stuff we use. Amazon gives us a few pennies if you buy using these, at no extra cost to you!

The wall-mounted paint rack I use:
The voiceover microphone I use:
The painting lamp I use:
The “hobby cam” I use for livestreams:
My favourite headphones:
The camera I used in 2020:
The camera I use now:
How I mount my camera to my desk:
My airbrush compressor:
My airbrush:
The airbrush set I started with:
A great model paint starter set:
A great beginner paint brush set:
Cheap brushes for detail work:

All Comments (21)
  • @JosefSalyer
    Watching with my 14 year old and he says, “I like how the Orks have funny names like Weirdboy, Nobz, and Guy” 😂
  • Can't wait for how to play warhammer 11th edition when Guy's teaching his twins to play for the video
  • @harbl99
    2:54 -- "Day 16. The Necrons have accepted me as one of their own. They still do not realise that I am a Chaos Android."
  • @vaniellys
    I'm just here for Guy's smooth voice and Penny's jokes.
  • @1990NMiller
    I'd like to point out the amazing continuity of Guys hand always entering frame left and Penny's hand always entering frame right. The same sides as their armies. 👌👌👌
  • Great to see you trying to capitalize more on your most popular video. I’m sure this will help a large amount of people
  • @Infamouse33333
    Even though I've been playing for 10 years now I still love watching starter videos. IDK why.
  • @sunttu333
    "Adding more at your own pace" = buying a huge pile of shame because I NEED them and only painting a single infantryman every 2 months or so. Yeah I'm that slow a painter
  • @OifelOifel
    My wife agreed to play 40k with me, so I sent her this video! She also wants to paint her own army. I am a very lucky guy. She already chose her army which is Tau. Now I only have to decide on one faction so we can engage in glorious combat. Thinking about either Adeptus mechanicus or custodes. :) Unfortunately there is so many great factions to choose from.
  • @bananakin7831
    As someone who really wants to get into 40K, but very confused on the rules, this video was an absolute godsend.
  • @MikeBeals
    Penny is a great actress I would swear she had actual fun playing 😂
  • @notnubilous3804
    This was a perfect vid Guy and Penny. Everything was clear and concise, you zoomed in on what models where doing what, and even included a psyker (something you usually don't see in a "How to Play" video). 10/10 I feel like some more curious newer players would enjoy seeing a part 2 with slightly larger armies and delving a little bit more into the rules (terrain especially etc.)
  • @Flaskpotatis
    As someone just getting into 40k this video is perfectly timed! And of course the calm narration and way to explain the at first rather dountingly complex rules, excellent as always!
  • @Billzor991
    This is the best tutorial for actually playing that I've literally ever watched. You made this way, way way way way simpler and more accessible than anything I've seen before covering the subject. I'm still building some armies, but I've been terrified of playing due to how complex it seems, but you have me actually hyped to get into it. Thank you guys so much!
  • Guys I simply had to comment, I'm a veteran Wargamer and I've had abit if a knock from covid and my levels and ability to focus on learning has been severely shaken. This tutorial hit home with me and honestly it made me fall back in love with a game I adore again. Thank you for helping me regain my Mojo!
  • I like how Guy inserts old school models into his squads, is that a third edition Necron warrior in there?
  • @toms8216
    In only 48 minutes I'll FINALLY be able to play and understand 9th edition 😁 much appreciated 🙌