Homemade Evap. Air Cooler DIY - Super Simple "Table Top" Air Cooler - Can be solar powered!

Published 2014-03-03
Homemade Evap. Air Cooler. This "desk top" size DIY Air Cooler is about as simple as they get. made with only 3 things. a metal hanger, a wash cloth and a small fan. in a dry climate it will produce a 15-20F air temp. drop. (the drier the climate the better these work). good for use as a "personal space" air cooler (blow it directly on yourself as it will not cool an entire room). for added cooling effect you can place the wet wash cloth in your freezer for 3-5 minutes before placing on hanger. also, slowing the fan speed can help to increase the effect of the air cooler.

All Comments (11)
  • @lita9281
    very cool, a mini swamp cooler, awesome! this will work!
  • @gullygully69
    I love the way you’ve done this with a computer fan
  • @GhoulishCop
    In power outage situations, using alternative means of heating and cool should always go for the principle of cooling (or heating) the person not the room. It's much more efficient, so this is a great tip, whether it's powered by solar, a battery bank, or other alternative energy means.
  • @17025601
    In the dry areas, we call things like this "swamp coolers." Only bigger and more efficient in cooling a room. Humidity is a big factor.
  • @valhalla83
    This needs the disclaimer, "Do not do this if you are a moron." I can see so many people using too much water on the cloth causing it to drip on to the electrics, lol.
  • @cordellmoser9096
    Hay put magnets on the fav and have it run forever without useing power