Samsung Note 5 Video Quality - Tour of Delcambre Canal & Lake Peigneur, Louisiana

Published 2016-05-12
A short tour of the Delcambre Canal & Lake Peigneur. The Samsung note video quality is stellar.

All Comments (9)
  • @DarkRecordsDocs
    Hello Marion Blair! I'm currently working on a documentary about Lake Peigneur's Drilling Accident, can I get permission to use your footage in my video with credits in description or video to your channel?
  • @Antiluddite
    What kind of camera are you using? The quality is fantastic.
  • So the lake filled back up after the vortex took everything down into the salt mine?
  • @DarkRecordsDocs
    Commenting again in hopes that you see my comment: I'm currently working on a documentary about Lake Peigneur's Drilling Accident, can I get permission to use some of your footage in my video with credits in description or video to your channel?
  • @jjrossitee
    Oh thank God it was filmed on a Samsung Note 5.
  • I'm sure after a few hundred years the salinity will return to what it was.