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Whole Bible Believer Woman

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About Whole Bible Believer Woman

I believe the real church is the body of Christ -- those who love and obey Him. I take responsibility for my own understanding of God's teachings in the Holy Bible, not trusting any man over what I can see for myself the Bible is teaching. I believe the First Book of Enoch was written for the end times and was God-inspired (esp. since that book is referred to in the Bible; but beware, that is an "evil Enoch" as well and the good one -- Noah's great grandfather -- only wrote the FIRST one, a good translation being by R. H. Charles). Deceived for 30 years of my life AFTER becoming a Christian, prayers for discernment and understanding are my passion. I keep the seventh day sabbath. Christ Jesus nailed the CURSE of the law to the cross -- not His (God's) commandments. When we screw up we can repent and be forgiven as long as we are sincere -- AND forgive others! It was interesting to learn that forgiveness of enemies was INTRODUCED by Christ Jesus. It's hard to do -- but not in Christ!

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