Vallow & Daybell: Demons DO Exist -- NOT in the victims, but in the "unalivers" themselves.

Published 2024-06-09
I was very happy to discover that PD put up an EXCELLENT explanation of how and when and why people CAN end up with demons:    • How People Get Demons  

The Church of the Firstborn is a cult begun by Lori and Chad Daybell, (who are currently married) which branched from the LDS church (or Mormonism). What is this word I keep hearing lately, "He unalived the victim"? WHY? I don't get it. Such strange things are happening to the language.

The Book of Enoch -- often referred to as the First Book of Enoch -- translated by R.H. Charles in the 19th century used to be counted among the scriptures. There have been false (evil) "books of Enoch" written that are best just left alone as they are deceptions. The reason I mention the Book of Enoch translated by R.H. Charles, (who got the copy he translated from the Ethiopian Bible), is because it was written especially FOR the latter days, in which we are at the very least in the beginning stages of today. It explains just who and what demons and devils are and where they came from, and a lot more about the fallen angels -- those who rebelled against God.

ABOUT ME: I was not brought up as a Christian though I was exposed to it for a short while through my grandparents who were "Sunday Christians" who happened to also attend Wednesdays. My bachelor father did not approve of following Jesus, and so I chose another path for the answers I so desperately needed. I looked mostly to the occult, reincarnation, psychedelic drugs, and Hindu guru, etc., etc. By the time I was in my late twenties I was lost in the sea of "knowledge" and "fleshly desire" and foolish as all get out. I did not believe in demons. I never THOUGHT about demons. They just were not a part of my belief system in any way, really. Until I was ATTACKED one night -- within my own mind. THIS is how I learned they DO exist -- and Jesus, who I knew next to NOTHING about, is the one that saved me that fateful night. This was over 40 years ago and they have not attacked me since. My whole testimony is on this channel, if you care to listen to it.

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20 - KJV). From commentary on this verse in the Geneva Bible (1599): "Which are not ashamed of sin, nor care for honesty, but are grown to a desperate impiety."

I am sorry I cannot specify a trustworthy church, but there are many good YouTube channels where truth can be found. I love to listen to the testimonies of those who have come from other backgrounds to Jesus Christ, (including those who were brought up Christian but discarded any such belief). Some YouTube preachers I enjoy are Carter Conlon, Martyn Iles and "The Lost and Now Found Sheep." I also especially enjoy what I have learned from "The God Culture" YouTube channel (which is also on other social media) which bears the results found by Believers who are researchers (not preachers) who continue to investigate biblical history. As we all know, history has been for the vast part written by the victors -- and they have found some amazing and edifying truths in their research. I highly recommend their channel.

And if you, like me, don't really have a church you can feel great about attending or are unable to attend for physical reasons, it is very important to realize that the word "church" in the Bible is translated from a word meaning an assembly or gathering of believers who share with one another. My Bible is my pastor for many years now, but having even just one or two friends who are brethren in the faith to meet with frequently is a must if you can possibly manage it. If you don't know of anyone, pray for it..!!! I am fortunate to have, in my old age, a housemate that is aligned very much with the Bible and we are able to have Bible studies and communion at home every week and more.

Be blessed!
Michele in Austin

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