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Greetings everyone, and welcome to the Village of Mist I am a part-time Streamer, Rydia cosplayer, and former Let's Player. I'm also an IT professional, but I suffer from Crohn's Disease. I eventually want to start a fundraiser of my own.

That being said, Tifas-Revenge is my original character name from Diablo 2 back in August of 2004 when I ran the Diablo 2 USWest ladder to get the first legitimate sorceress to level 99. I changed my name to RydiasRevenge though because I have a higher affinity to her.

I have completed several challenge runs of FF4 as Rydia solo. #Rydia4Life

Official Ladder Site on Blizzard:…

Read about it here:…

Want to run Diablo 2 ladder to 99? Here are some tips from my old FAQ:…

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