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MANIFESTING 101 with Julie Poole

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MANIFESTING 101 with Julie Pooleの説明

Let me help you manifest your best life! I'm Julie Poole, a Law of Attraction teacher and Author. The videos and playlists you'll find here will give you clear guidance to help you to attract what you desire, and manifest it into reality. Check out my best selling law of attraction step-by-step guidebook, 'FROM HOPING TO HAVING' on Amazon and Audible, reviewed by many as, "the best law of attraction book ever!" It will help you too!

My vocation is to help others to find their own empowerment, both spiritually and personally, and to live their highest and best life, in all its forms.

I work with the Law of Attraction and the I Am Presence, with the assistance of my Higher Self and my Spiritual Team; a collective of ‘Higher Beings of Light’ who call themselves ‘ELI,’ an acronym for ‘Empowering Loving Information’ which is often channelled through me during my work.

Thanks for being here, and welcome to this manifesting tribe!
with love and blessings,

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