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Candy the Fox (edible edition ;-;)

207 subscribers

About Candy the Fox (edible edition ;-;)

A fox who knows Chronokenesis, a Sub-type of Mentifery, which can create anything that is sweet and sour, from cakes to candies! And other powers.

Candy is the brawny part of Xyko. As he is one of the people who can fuse with Monochrome to make the timekeeper, Xyko.

He is very skillful and can adopt to anything quickly. He is also very ecstatic and has an explosive personality. While also being incredibly flirty.

Monochrome, the skulldog, and the (boy)friend. The other one who can fuse with Candy to make Xyko.

Monochrome is the calmest, collected, observant, and the one held responsible for what to the two do.

Monochrome also knows Chronokenesis, as he was the one who passed it down to Candy. He also knows Umbrakenesis, Gyrokenesis, and more!

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