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Andrew Toone

8,080 subscribers

About Andrew Toone

Welcome to my channel! On here, you will see movie collections, movie clips, movie openings, movie updates, and more.

I have a few rules on my channel, though.

1. Only watch my videos if you enjoy what I post. If you don't like what you see, click the dislike button, and go watch something else.

2. DO NOT post any mean, hateful, nasty comments on my videos. If you do, you will be blocked automatically and reported to the main site. No exceptions!

3. I do not take requests for anything because people give me way too many at a time, and I don't always have the time or the energy to do them.

4. Whenever you comment, don't post anything off-topic. If you do it once, I'll let it slide. If you do it more than once, there will be consequences!

5. DO NOT tell me or my friends not to cuss/swear in my videos or comments. If you don't like it, IGNORE it. It's easy as that.

6. DO NOT tell me what to do with my videos, my channel, or my movie collections.

7. No disrespecting opinions.

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