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Teron James

8 購読者を
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Teron Jamesの説明

honoring your responsibility is the answer to all your problem
that we face in everyday life
and worth living to do so, to take responsible for everything that you created
responsible enough to help others in need,
responsible enough to take good care
of your self, your family, your job and YOU to have meaningful life
in respectful way of living

we the good people need to wake up,
and retaliate in the process of awakening
your conscious of immortality
is your divine power no remorse
to those people in your way......reclaimed what's yours
and it's yours forever to hold
we the good people,
created equal by the creator.....but not same
your life is your freedom


The future....defends
on what we the present

POWER.....things you can control
and you can control only....what you can understand
what you aware of

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