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🇬🇹 Pinkio 🇬🇹

On my channel i publish almost anything experimental, creative, cool, informative or fun about Rolling Sky mostly; it's the main game i post, and i plan on keep doing it for a long time

- I play Rolling Sky since August 2016 and started publishing videos until late 2019, with external camera because i wanted to show my hands' movement as a guide while i perfected levels (plus, internal recorder lags on my phones :T); i also appeared on the leaderboards with high star streaks & even WRs

- If you saw someone named "Pinkio", "Clutsi" or "Pinkojetu" on games like Sonic Robo Blast 2 (which i played a lot on 2017), then it surely was me ("Super Pinkio" was on Club Penguin on 2010, i didn't knew english when my brother created that name LOL)

- Hablo Español nativo, soy de Guatemala; yo ayudé a arreglar las traducciones a español del juego en 2022, así que opinen si están bien o no xd

Profile Picture's Credit goes to TechNewVideo
Last Updated: August 1st, 2023 6:13 PM

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