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Austin Rowe

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Austin Roweの説明

"All lessons are blessons" -Austin

I′m on the level of my people
There is no stool that I hold myself high on
I'm just like you; I'm living my life everyday
And searching for some happiness to get me by

Enjoy all the moments, enjoy all the times
Enjoy all the rules that keep the boys in line
Enjoy all the family, enjoy all the friends
And enjoy all the love like it was gonna end

Go on put your lighters up
Let′s go and light up the space
Cause the time is now, we got no time to waste
Let's all enjoy these moments

Living in the now is where my mind is clear
And reading off a bit in spirituality fear
A man is fit in 2, just like a sink or swimming thing
Some of us just float, enjoy currents, not currencies

Better give thanks for all that there is, him bring
Guidance understanding and philosophies
One life to live, make sure your breath is deep
Enjoy the moment, let your soul be free

Do not fear anything but the LORD. Aka 'The Universe'/karma'. Still working on this myself.

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