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Lettering Kwok

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About Lettering Kwok

My music video is called PHONE MADE MUSIC.
Mixing my hand lettering, from 17C Script to 60's psychedelic; images that I create, some new, some as far back as my college years, then mix them with music and create a music video. As to the music, it's mostly folk or old western. I really miss the old days, when it was very simple, often just a guy with a guitar and they can put on a hour or longer concert.

My goal is to create music video that is, mostly short, but with images that can tell the story and hand lettering that is ornate, complicated with lots of intertwining of thick and thin curvilinear lines, but still keep the words very legible.
I am still learning how to make video and with only an iPhone 6, that is why I called my video PHONE MADE MUSIC.

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