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Carolynn Ponzoha

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About Carolynn Ponzoha

🧠Advocate and Artist🎨
Spreading education and awareness about psychosis.

I’m Carolynn, and I am a person living with schizoaffective disorder, as well as CPTSD, borderline personality disorder, narcolepsy, and Ehlers Danlos syndrome. I am also a recovering addict and my clean date is 10/5/2019 which is a large contributor to why I am psychosis free today.

Psychosis is a life altering event, and after several episodes my life has changed many, many times. I have gone through an unnecessary amount of suffering - suffering that could have been prevented if I’d had more education about psychosis and wasn’t alone in my struggles. I don’t want anyone to have to go through the amount of pain I went through, so I try to bring awareness to this often stigmatized illness so that people can prevent the worst, or at the very least feel comforted that they’re not alone.

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