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You WISH you had a Bachelor of Music and subsequently were unemployed while rapidly getting fatter by the day. Puh.

6yrs later:
...But now I am not unemployed any more. I wasn’t unemployed 6 years ago when I wrote that. I was a vet tech. But I was sad. Because I wanted to do music, but I was afraid to try. A lot of bad things happened after college and I gave up. So, even though I worked 60 hrs a week, I felt unemployed because it wasn’t what I wanted to do. I thought I did, but I really wanted music. Now, I do music. I have 41 private students. I want to teach more people to sing freely and healthily. I am very happy.

I’m still fat tho. And that makes me sad. My husband loves my thicc ass, and I love that. But I still want to lose weight because then I will be healthier. But it’s hard to lose weight when you don’t...uh, when you don’t try to do so...So...yeah. Guess that might be what’s stopping me?
I love unicorns and I hate Home Depot.
I love you though! 🦄💕💜

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